I’m not an expert on living soil, and I just go to build a soil.com and use their suggested mixes. Not familiar with Gala. Maybe @organicyoda aka @Budbrother can chime in.
I do have 2 comments.
Perlite is not ideal in my opinion, it migrates to the top of the soil. I’ve started using a mix of rice hulls and red lava rock instead.
if you can put them all in ground with your living soil in the hole first, that would be ideal. In the ground it will be living and you will never have a deficiency, in my experience.
Thank you for your advice!!! I have too use pots, because not enough of my back yard has sunlight for the plants. The “plantable” area is only suited for a couple of plants and is mainly grass, that I have too keep. If I use pots I can locate them anywhere in my sunny backyard areas.
I’m glad you asked this question. I am thinking of doing a similar living soil for my next grow.
2.5g promix hp
2.5g promix herb and soil mix
2.5g organic compost
2.5g organic sea compost
1g perlite
1g vermiculite
4 cups of 4-4-4 all purpose
And then add 2-8-4 power bloom during flower
I found this from a YouTuber, and he had great OG Kush results.