Gaia Green when do I add to soil

Question: I am running a 50/50 mix of FFOF and FFHF then mixed with 20% perlite. Heading into day 16 tomorrow with 4 autos. I am trying Gaia 4-4-4 and the Bloom mix this round. When should I add the 4-4-4 to the soil, and how much?

Just looking for those that have used it when and how much/often? Thank you in advance.

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I wait until about day 30 and add 3tablespoons per plant, 1 cup earthworm castings.

You’ll probably want 1 444 and 2 284.


I use dr earths 4-4-4 and 420 recipe 2-8-8 with a 50/50 soil mix of OF/HF in 5 gallon fabric pot for my auto’s usually around week 4 I will add 5 tablespoon of 4-4-4 and 5 tablespoon of 2-8-8 then 3 weeks later should be in flower mix 7 tablespoon of 2-8-8 to 3 tablespoon 4-4-4 and repeat every 3 to 4 weeks only water enough to wet soil good not to run off just ph and decholorinate tap water


Hey, so the amount you gave that’s for autos or photos. I only ask since your reply directions where almost double of what the other person said. I hate to give them too much. Just looking for try and true method for autos. Thanks for your help

Dosent matter what plant it matters container size but i double the amout for photos cause i use a 10 gallon fabric pot

I’ve used Gaia Green with a bunch of autos.

I always set up my soil with the all purpose (4-4-4). For top dressing I only use the power bloom (2-8-4), since autos can switch to flowering at any time. This avoids too much nitrogen during flowering stage, which can wreck your buds.

Same as @Autos-only , I top dress around day 30.