One Heck of a Webinar!

I was trolling around on the computer and came across one of the best discussions on Cannabis Cultivation I’ve ever watched, and just wanted to share it. It’s given by Dr Bruce Bugbee who is the Director of Crop Physiology Laboratory at Utah State University. He’s also the President of Apogee instruments and has also done research into space farming with NASA just to name some of his credentials. I’ve learned so much from watching his webinars in cannabis cultivation. He calls the plant one of the most phenomenal he has ever study and is extremely excited for further study. Check it out!


Will do!!

“Nine Cardinal Parameters”, the most important thing I ever learned about growing any plant. I love his webinars. De bacco University is another good source of information. His videos are only 3-4 mins. long with charts and real scientific studies. He skips all the “please like and subscribe and ring the bell.”
I have to warn you, I learned a truth I wasn’t ready for when I watched the topic on "The difference between Sativa and Indica.


I absolutely love watching dr bruce bugbee. The man is very intelligent and can convoy the information in a way that it can be better understood by normal people without all the degrees. Watching the video now. Thanks for the link!

Bill Ward videos on YouTube are a good learning or entertainment tool
Grasshopper wants to become a Master.
USU grad, but never met Bill, should have.


Also a very good reference! I started off learning with mr canucks and then got some bill ward, bruce bugbee, and kyle kushman videos under my belt. Every once in a while ill watch the from the stash podcast but these are all very good information sources


I’ve watched all those guys…really wanted to learn more about “modern” methods before I got back in the game. I still do Kushman’s Chiropractic adjustments every once in awhile :grin:

The great thing about many of these is the go into the theory of “why” some technique to practice helps or hurts the plant.


Great video.


There’s a lot of Dr. Bugbee fans here in the forum.


He looks like a guy to go fishing with. I could see his Hippie butt pulling out a fattie then the fly rod.


I just love the fact that the plant is FINALLY getting the respect and research that it deserves! No other plant like it.


This plant has helped saved my dads life from cancer! Im sure some can say that but its the fact of knowing i can actually help my dads medical issues by supplying him green and experimenting with RSO and tinctures. Its a great feeling knowing im saving money and saving so much as a matter of fact that i can supply him and he saves money at the end of the day too. Intially i did grow it for myself but once i started realizing all the health benefits ive been trying to use it more like a medicine. Ive experimented some with edibles which helped my own personal pain and helped my fiances PTSD. Im always trying something else to use this plant to the full extent


I like watching that nerd too


Another cool nerd is “The element maker”. violent chemical reactions, explosions and more. I was researching phosphorus and found out about white phosphorus. Some nasty stuff.