Looking for classic strains. Minimally altered landrace strains. Heirloom seeds. Any input is appreciated.
@Cannabian might have some suggestions for minimally altered landrace strains. He can verify, I think he gets them at therealseedcompany.
I believe @Graysin may be able to provide a little info.
These are the only folks I have firsthand experience with. I cannot overstate how utterly impressed I was with the stealth shipping.
I only did sprout one of the Afghan seeds I have, though- and it ended up being male. It hurt so much to have to axe it without being able to collect the pollen, I told myself I wouldn’t pop anymore til I can make the space to grow it out and harvest - whether female buds or male pollen, I want to help keep it around.
I’ve looked at the real seed website a few times and sent them an email.
Some of those strains really interest me.
They shared that they do send to nz but no guarantee.
Shared there shething was good.
I’ll have to do an order soon.
Thanks @Daggy_2.0 for looking out for me
Was it regular seeds that you got the male plant @Graysin ?
Yep, regular is the only real way to do landrace seeds and preserve the genetic diversity of the strains. Echoing what @anon72256435 said.
Yeah the Real Seed Company has some really stable old school from all over. I grow Balkhi, Tashkurghan, Lebanese and will be bringing in a few others next season.
these plants average 2 to 4 pounds dry each. I could easily double that with more space.
Feminizing changes genetics?
If you feminize the seeds you’ll eventually run out of males. Then you couldn’t keep the true genetic line going. Feminizing them would kinda go against the whole point anyway.
Which strain has the pink pistils? She is beautiful.
Ah, makes sense.
Tashkurghan for the the win! But some Balkhi will have red coloration in the beginning of flowering too. Its a phenotype thing…oh and yeah, I only grow regular seed… just plant double what you expect to grow. If you only get 3 females, plant them in a big pile of healthy soil , either in a mound no less than 3 feet across or in a grow bag at least 18 inches deep and 4 feet wide. That will give you at least 2 to 4 pounds minimum per plant.
Generally the more food and water you supply cannabis, the more dope you will get.
Does anyone here know what this means. ILGM photo Gold Leaf. I inherited her a couple months ago. Absolutely no leaves, even on the bottom, except onesies. No three, five, sevens. Is it a mutant good or bad? or just some kind of genetic womb goof?
Seen freak show and ducks foot. Never that. I too am interested as to what it is/cause.
I see single fingered leaves on re-vegges. Any chance that’s in her history?
No, he started her from seed, and grows all outdoors. It was planted in April and still only about three feet tall. When I got it it had some weird fusarium type wilt, aphids, and had what people around here call curly top. Which I think is more like root rot. The first thing I did was put it in new soil, and started treating it with neem and copper fungicide.
Its his first grow so I doubt he knows anything about re-vegging/cloning, other than the clones I gave him. It is weird. When it first began flowering about a month ago I thought it was a boy, But now I’m sure its not. Could it be the Sativa side genetics of gold leaf being wonky with the sun? The way I always understood was Sativa’s grew best near the equator but I don’t know. There is always so much more to learn.
Just ordered Afghan 90 heirloom. I’m so glad a found this post. Thank you all. As an old timer, these new hybrids are just too strong and very different from the early 90’s. I was wanting to do landrace and this synced up perfectly. Thanks for the site recommendation.