Normal bud progression or problem?

Hi everyone! I’ve been lurking :no_mouth: about but never really posted, lil introverted, ok a lot lol. I have been able to get this far by searching / reading :man_technologist: mostly on here. But now at day 59 above ground my ILGM Wedding Cake autos’ buds appear to be stretching (ACI 2X4X72 kit with extra S22 ).
Not just at top but thru out most of the plant. Is this how they normally build or is it foxtailing? The trichs are all still clear.
If it is abnormal should I cut my losses and chop before it becomes a row of calyxes on a stick?
I backed off lights last week to lower canopy ppfd to 743 from 1028.

Thanks in advance.


Im new, what exactly is “Foxtailing”?

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I’m new also, this can explain it better than I could hope to. Mine is probably doing it but I’m hesitant to chop it early in case I’m wrong, which I’m good at.


Huh… i wouldnt call that foxtailing, its almost like there is not enough light and shes stretching for the win. But it also coukd be the ruderalis coming outta her… hang tite lemme tag @Cap_Ron and he can shed some light possibly.


Thats from lights not close enough lower your light but don’t know if you can now my friend happy growing


I would not chop the plant yet. You may see a lot of that stack into colas, given time. You also have a lot of white pistils still so plant is actively flowering.


Thanks. It kept growing, one cola is trying to lick the LED’S. Getting between 700-1100 ppfd on 20/4 till this past week I reduced light intensity and went to 19/5 slowly. If they fill in that be good. Don’t wanna chop just to learn latter I effed up :grimacing:


Ok, thanks. I was dreading chopping it this close. I’ve been anxiously counting the days, probably a little to much :joy:

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Thanks, my pictures should have been better, I’ve been trying to get em further from the lights, a lot of them are 6" but angled away. Still getting 700 + ppfd at tops. I thought they were getting too much although no discoloration so I backed off a little. Hopefully they’ll fill in!! :grinning:

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I’ve never experienced an auto like that myself, but we’ve seen 2 or 3 in just the last month or so here in the forum, so I guess it’s not quite as rare as I thought.

I don’t think it was caused by too much or too little light. It seems like no matter how reliable the breeder is you can get an unlucky seed with sub par genetics every once in a while.


Thanks Cap for replying. She’s been odd since sprouting, blamed it on me and MG Pro mix organic soil, only plant I got in it. They others are in FFHF. Had ph issues with both soils, FFHF tanked to 4.9. MG was kinda hot, had WC clawing and yellow :grimacing: for a bit.
The WC has had slender leafs and developed very fast, it’s close to 5’ tall and the Super Lemon Haze looked more like a indica with large fat fan leafs. But I’ll be happy for anything decent between them to have during my second grow, 1/4 should do it for me :rofl: Think I’m gonna let her rip and see if it fills in, maybe pull some lower stuff off in case she ends up looking like a twig with bumps on it

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Well, luckily im growing mostly Sativa strains my next grow. But, this grow im 6 weeks in on and its my first grow and im growing indoors for the first time also… so… im on a big learning curve right now. Theres alot of information on this subject to soak in. As im understanding is Foxtailing is caused by stress. Which will seem mostly the heat from the lights or if you have them to close to the buds, thats when foxtail starts.

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I hear ya, I got a lil confused at first until I realized certain things are different depending on the medium your growing in.
Yea, that’s what I read about foxtailing too so I back off lights last week but they just don’t look the same as most the pics I’ve seen of it but I’m still trying to learn



Looks genetics, auto are crossed with the Ruderalis strain, it has a similar bud structure
Here is a 100% Ruderalis
Grow it out though looking awesome in your tent :heart_eyes: :+1:t3: Happy growing :grinning:


Thank you Dennis62. I think that’s what I’ll do, at least until I start seeing some amber.
Hopefully next grow will more closely resemble all the ones I seen others growing,not maybe the one after that lol


Yes like any other plant its pistols will turn orange and harvest as usual

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I hear you @WilIy. If you choose to stick with soil on your next grow, I had far better results with Mother Earth Coco Peat or Roots Organics than I ever did with any Fox Farm varieties.

I’m not knocking organic growing at all, I know it works great for many people, but it didn’t work really well for me. I gave it a shot and grew half my plants in one grow organically, and the other half with my regular Advanced Nutrients routine. There was no comparison when it came to plant size, health, and yields.

Another option to look into before your next grow if you really want to maximize your yields is growing in coco. It’s more effort, but the results are far better than anything I ever grew in soil.


Yeah, theres sooo many different mediums out there. I was turned onto Coast of Main Stonington blend and i think im sticking with it. It’s more of my style of growing.

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That’s good to know, thank you.
I know the 10-14 weeks is just a estimate but I’ve been hoping it would be closer to 10 for her to do her thing not back up and rethink the process, guess it’s best not to rush a lady putting on her makeup :rofl:


Figured I start with the easiest/cheapest while I’m learning to recognize signs and time lines plus im tired after work. I’m having to water at least every other day mostly due to evaporation I believe, soil is always 8 or so below tent temp. Kinda want to move towards living soil thing , the whole “just add water” has an appeal to me like a cup-o-noodles :smile:

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