This has been quite an adventure trying to get my first attempt to harvest. I started out four plants. Two were started in a grow tent and two outside in a box garden. I eventually had to move the two from inside to outside in a slightly different spot in the garden. I ended up with bud rot and had to remove the two plants that were started outside. The two remaining plants have had some bud rot which I’m trying to stay on top of by removing as soon as I see any sign. I’m also using a peroxide spray but my time is running out. Weather in our location is going to turn cold and damp and I’m running out of options. Here are pictures from today. Would it be worth harvesting now even though I have no amber showing or should I try to wait for those amber trichomes and risk losing even more of what I have?
I see amber in the bottom picture but idk if that’s the leaves instead of the bud because your other pictures look like you are still transitioning to cloudy. How many weeks in are you for flowering and what strain is it?
You’re weeks from those being done, so at this point, you’ll just have to ride it out to the last possible moment.
It is Girl Scout Cookie Extreme and I feel like they have been in the flowering stage for a year (more likely six to eight weeks).
Ilgm says 7 to 10 weeks probably since it’s a hybrid. I kinda have to agree with @Dexterado you look weeks away at which point yeah just ride it out.
The amber trichomes in the bottom picture is throwing me off though.
I feel your pain. I’ve got a 105-day-old GSCE Autoflower that doesn’t want to kick out any Amber trichomes. Her buds are so big and heavy she can’t even support herself anymore. For a month now I’m saying one more week! Good luck
My GSCE took forever to ripen up as well. Think it went 16 weeks.