Nickys Auto's, Autopot Mephisto edition

Don’t go bringing the little green eyed dude out ROFL You will have me top feeding to make s sure this is a strong grow lol My goal for this will be an enjoyable one. All autos again. And no one gets the boot early either lol
And yeah. Just top feeding 3 reminds me of how much extra water I used. :roll_eyes: I do like the better control. But the autopots are my friends now :grin:


Ugh it’s not worth the hassle, and it’s wasteful.
Yeah we will both run out AP’s.
Hope mine sank


That looks amazing! Nice plants


Your in a dry enviroment with cooler temps. Your HLG320xl does the light run cool or heat up?
Nice looking plants job well done!

It’s cooler at night because it’s freezing outside where I vent so I’m sure I get a bit of back draft but I haven’t checked my Temps to be honest, they work and it’s plugged into a controller that kicks the exhaust vent on to outside when the tent reaches 26.5c

The 320xl produces some heat for sure but nothing that isn’t manageable by the fan, it kicks in and out.

I do live in a dry climate and I haven’t run a humidfior for about 2 and a half weeks now just due to logistics of working away and my girl in university crunch time as well as end of flower we want it dry.

I don’t have time to trim tonight, I get home at about 7pm and have to be up at 4am.
So I’m probably going to chop in the dark and just hang it for one day. Then I’ll work on trimming it tomorrow night. I prefer a wet trim.

I can’t tell if this plant just really really smells or if it’s because I’ve always had the plants in a tent with a exhaust line before… Regardless it’s a very strong smell once the exhaust fan stopped running. Which was a bit of a shock because at first they really didn’t smell when I came home and unzipped the tent, now it’s overwhelming as in I think my work cloths smell lol


Reason I was asking about the 320 last time I used it for two weeks it ran pretty hot.
The ambient temp and RH was higher.
Now I’m using it in a cooler drier enviroment and it runs cool cant get but 5F from it.
First time using this light just wondering. Thanks for your input!

The first time I used both of my tents/lights everything ran hot for me. Once I played with my controller, dialed in my room temp and adjusted passive intake ability things smoothed out.

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Starting new grow. As the mephistos wrap up, chopped in the dark last night will trim tonight as I didn’t have time due to 14hr days at work.

Strawberry nuggets is almost ready as well


Trimming with the Bo$$


How long does it hang before you trim for a wet trim?

Looks like good smoke! :+1:

I dry trimmed 1/2 a pound last night and sold it to a buddy that swore to never smoke outdoor again lol… the best part? I got the same price as indoor !!! Imagine that? He originally said, come on man thats outdoor? You can do better than that. I said yeah but can you find better pot right now? No… and for that reason you pay what I want… plus I know you just bought a qp off a dude and your wife likes my pot way more… so you pay me now! Or no potty potty… cash in hand that second :laughing:
He opened the bag, had a sniff, grabbed a bud and said… dude thats pretty sticky! Why yes it is I said…


Are you all done with your grow brother.

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Nope! Lol :laughing: the Johaar is still alive and slowly trying to make some dope, but… dont have high expectations, the light from the sun is getting pretty low on the horizon. And its getting cold despite the small heater.

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But I averaged 2 pounds a plant off the 3 Balkhis! Which turned into some really good pot!


Nice 2 pounds per plant.


Wet trim. Right after the cut but I’ve been busy so this is day 2,i keep it in darkness unless trimming it. In my drying area with 50% humidity.

This is the sativa sweet and sour.
The strawberry nuggets indica is just finishing up oll post tricomb pics tonight or tomorrow. I want like 60% Amber to paralize me lol


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Now your speaking my language! Im highly interested in your results!


Paralyzer, thats what you can sell it as :laughing: a new strain!



Just got a new tent
So I now have two, two in ones

I also have a 320xl and two 240w boards.

What do you think is the best usage of my lighting?
I’m going to stick with 5 plants so wasn’t sure if I should do 4 in the 4x4 and 1 in the 3x3, as the 1x4 spot for both is more of a storage area.

I don’t know if the 320xl fits in the 3x4 if it does and I could put it on an angle then maybe put it in that space while putting the two 240w board in the 4x4 area.