Mephistos tent is going strong

So my friends I am back. I had a bump in the road but that won’t stop me. So if you know me then you know I’ve been running autos for a while and I also have done a few photos but my comfort zone is autos. Well I’m doing a entire tent of mephistos genetics right now. Sorry you guys but we only have about 3 weeks left if I’m lucky. Well without further adue here are the ladies in no particular order. Sour stomper , double grapex 3bog , creme de la chem , super orange :tangerine: haze , hubbabubbasmellascope , sour crack , forgotten cookies x 3bog ,a Ahuascha purple auto and th seeds gelato33xFrench macaroons



@Missiles @nts @Killadruid @PurpNGold74 I know I’m forgetting a crop ton more people. Lol you guys feel free to tag them too.


Well hell look at you lol wow looks great in there. That’s a big ole tent :wink: Good luck with these girls. And what is this


@Gremmall @zparkie2 @Oldguy @Carol4486

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@Missiles that was a small can humidifier I was using while they were small. I have a monster humidifier in the tent now . How have you been doing lately?

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That thing is pretty cool! I’ve been good thank you. Just trying to hang in there with this crazy world anymore. I hope you and the have been doing good.

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It is imthe size of a drink can and runs off of a standard USB charger lol.

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Same . Thank you. I am hanging in like a loose tooth. Haha. Just trying to stay in good health and keep the kids and family safe and out of harms way ! All while trying not to go broke , thats the hard part. Lol

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Isn’t that the truth. I’ve been working from home since the end of March. I’m not going to want to go back after this.



sorry for the photobomb but hulk wouldn’t move to save his life!

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He’s too stinking cute :grin:


Thank you, he’s a damn 100lbs lapdog. We call him the guardian of the greens :laughing::laughing:


@Missiles what you got growing on right now ?

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I have a ilgm Durban Poison, a Cindy xx and a cherry pup pie. I also have some MBG seedlings that are doing well. Can’t wait till they get bigger. And of course I have some clones trying to root :wink:

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wow. Got your hands full aswell huh ? Make sure you tag me in your journal if you would please. Are you still in soil or have you switched to the hydro side ?

Lol actually I am doing my last girls in soil now and am switching to coco. I have an aero cloner though that’s giving me an itch for hydro but that’ll have to wait for a while lol


same here , I’m starting to lean toward trying a 4 bucket setup . I want to see how it goes but I’m sooo used to my own supersoil recipe now and have gotten used to growing in cruise control that I may have gotten too relaxed :relieved:


Gorgeous plants. Btw beautiful dog also