This will be my second autopot experiment, my last one was Jack’s nutrients vs Chemgro nutrients both whom are an amazing price point for quality USA made dry nutrients in the 3 part full line.
It wasn’t very scientific but due to the lack of rstio changes and overall proven performance of Jack’s I crowned it the winner.
@Hellraiser has been able to do a test of Jack’s vs Advanced nutrients and he did an amazing job. Ultimately he has decided that Jack’s is the winner due to ease of use, postive results and much much lower cost.
He also ran tribus vs fishshit vs both in a 3 vs 3 vs 3 clone run. Results are so close its hard to call but both, fishshit, tribus was the first to third results. Ultimately whatever you can find cheaper go with it but they both are amazing products.
Autopots research and development had advised to mix coco with 50% perlite in the grows, this is information has not been updated or changed while some swear by straight coco due to ion exchange potential. Meanwhile we know the wet and dry cylce is important and cannabis loves airey soil so I’m thinking the perlite helps.
Well time to put this to the test.
Running four inzane in the membrane clones that my local grow store guy gifted me, he really wanted me not to miss out on these. They have came out on two other customers lab results at 28 & 30%.thc no terpene tests though.
Terps were nice I’m assured, and it’s a very potent high on the sativa side.
So half are planted in coco and half are planted in 70/30 coco perlite nursery bags.
Being fed jacks and 5.8ph with silica and fishshit.
The 5 gallon autopots will be ran at 50/50 coco perlite against the straight coco.
Started them in the greenhouse under a knockoff 120w QB.
I also have 3 regulars from @MattyBear, he crossed a Super Lemon Haze with a Cindy Haze from brothers grimm which has produced MattyBear’s Super Cindy Haze* F1’s
For those of you who want to increase your seed germination success and speed I highly recommend a seed mat with controller, gold it overtop and weigh it down, also use hydrogen peroxide & water soak for 24hr (or until seed sinks) then transfer to a damp paper towel & Ziplock, finally should be light proof. I use a foil bag that came out of old elpaso tacos, so have tacos and keep the bag. Main point here is the heat mat though!
Fast forward a bit and…
Good news , everyone’s above ground and I was able to quickly set the tent up with a humidfior, heater on a controller set to 26c, clip fan, and lights at 20 DLI.
But they got leggy, because the lights to far away (I have it setup this way because I’m giving my girlfriends pepper plant some light)
I want to be hammering these plants with light because my last couple grows have just grown so tall it becomes a hassle, sativas… So I raised them up closer to the light by putting them on a bucket for now, I should do the same with the clones tonight.
Sunday I hope to clean the reservoirs, mix up a fresh 25 gallons of silica, Jack’s, & fishshit.
May not get to setting up lines and trays until next Sunday as I’m working 14hr days 6 days a week but it allows me to be home every night which i haven’t been able to do since 14 years ago.