Newbie to indoor growing

Hi. New to the site and new to indoor growing. I am on a budget. Got some matte, white paint. Will that work in terms of having reflective walls?

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Its not the best reflector, but yes it will work for sure.

What about a soil recipe? What’s a typical mix for indoor grow?

@garrigan62 has a nice Super Soil recipe so that all that’s needed is watering throughout the grow, if I’m not mistaken. His recipe is here: Will's grow journal into the unknown - #49 by garrigan62


@Kc264 Great read! :sunglasses::facepunch:

Find full article here… :arrow_left:


The soil mix i have ready to go for my Autos :

Oyster Shell Flour - Freshly ground oyster shells are composed of approximately 96% Calcium Carbonate, with the remainder being trace elements, kelp and microbes. Oyster shell flour not only releases calcium and trace element, but is also a liming agent, improves tilth, provides favourable conditions for microbial activity, stimulating enzyme activity and increasing Cationic Exchange Capacity (CEC).

Oyster shell flour is a very special component of our compost blends because the slow release calcium helps to increase the structural integrity of plants, promote new growth and increase resistance to disease by facilitating the movement of heavy macro-molecules around the plant.

Oyster Shell also contains Chitin which is beneficial to the plants immune system when converted into chitosan by an enzyme released from the plant (chitanase).

Bokashi - When used as a soil amendment Bokashi invites a galaxy of beneficial bacteria and fungi that result in increased yields and healthier plants via probiotic effects in the soil. In addition, they hasten the breakdown of amendments and transport them to the plant as part of a symbiotic relationship, and help to ward off nematodes and other invaders, among many other benefits.

BioChar - BioChar is a special type of agricultural charcoal that is high in carbon content. The mechanisms of action are not fully understood, however it is suspected that it works by increasing the amount of sequestered carbon available to the plant. BioChar assists in purifying toxic heavy metals in the water/soil, providing both water retention and aeration, as well as an environment for microbes to inoculate. For this reason, you’ll see greater benefits from BioChar over time, making it an ideal amendment for NoTill conditions.

Malted Barley Grain Malted Barley Grains are an exceptionally rich source of microbes, with a wide range of bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts colonising the area between the husk and the pericarp which produce biologically significant levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a hormone that promotes cell division and is essential for the proper development of plant organs. The grain functions in the mix as a source of growth hormone catalysts, facilitating explosive growth.

Kelp Meal -Kelp Meal is mild source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus and Potassium (1-0.5-3), and is a source of trace minerals, amino acids, plant micro-nutrients and natural plant hormones. These hormones are specifically noted to reduce stress associated with transplant and heat shock, which in turn will allow your plants to grow quicker and transition more smoothly after transplants.

Neem Cake - Neem Cake provides a fantastic source of NPK with values of 4-2-2 respectively. Furthermore there are several molecules in neem cake such as Azadirachtin, Salannin and Nimbin which provide integrated pest management to your garden, acting as an antifeedant for over 200 species of insects.

Epsom Salt - Epsom Salt provides the ‘SuperSoil’ with Magnesium, which is necessary for Calcium uptake; as well as Sulphur which is not only the most important element for flavour, but also plays a vital role in nitrogen fixation (is present in the important nitrogenase enzymes which contain a Fe-Mo-S cluster) and is used as a catalyst. Sulphur is also involved in proper function of the immune system of plants via having ample glutathione to combat oxidation stress.

Dolomite - Lime Dolomite acts to counter the soil pH dropping (caused by microbes) and thus can be thought of as a pH buffer. It also provides another source of both Ca and Mg.

Azomite - Azomite is a trace element source, conditioning agent and also helps plants better absorb nutrients from soil. The rare earth elements present in Azomite enhance nitrogen fixation by Azotobacter species, which bind atmospheric nitrogen and release it as ammonium ions into the soil. Further, the Azomite present in our Super Soil acts to reduce stress caused by drought by enhancing Abscisic acid (ABA) production, in turn minimizing the water lost by a plant in transpiration.

Blood ‘n’ Bone Meal - Blood ‘n’ Bone Meal is high in Calcium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus (8-5-1). It improves soil microbial activity and promotes worm growth and development by providing available organic material. The rich Nitrogen content gives plant the building blocks they need to handle intense growth during both the vegetative and bloom phases.

Humic and Fulvic Acids - Humic and Fulvic acids are organic polymers which coordinate and chelate with macro-molecules/metals, and assist in facilitating uptake. They also act to neutralise soil pH, allowing trace elements to become available to the plant. Through the use of Humic and Fulvic acids you will notice increased gains in plant growth, their general appearance and the flavour and size of the harvest.

Guano - We utilize a special sulfur and silica rich Guano which acts to strengthen the plants stems, stimulate soil microbes, improve soil structure as well as providing a powerful phosphorus source to allow maximum fruit development. Through the use of the extra sulfur we have found flavours are simply unbelievable!

Base and Aeration Mix

Base Mix is composed of two parts

  1. 50% an Aeration component (Pumice (55%), Rice Hulls (40%) and Zeolite (5%)).
  2. 50% Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss as a base.

Peat Moss: Provides unmatched CEC, and has great air-filled porosity and water holding capacity.

Pumice: Pumice makes up the majority of the mix and provides excellent air-filled porosity to keep your soil aerobic.

Rice Hulls: Rice Hulls are a fantastic source of aeration that slowly release Nitrogen and Silica into the soil, ultimately increasing the resilience of your plants. They will break down slowly over time.

Zeolite: Zeolite will slowly release the nutrients and water it stores over time. The open crystalline structure of Zeolite is occupied by cations and water molecules which are able to move into cavities allowing cationic exchange and reversible rehydration.


Thank you for all the great suggestions. I will keep you guys posted with what I will decide to use.


Welcome to the forum @Kc264 good luck with your grow, you’ll find tons of useful info and advice here. Happy growing :v:t2: