Newbie and overly excited

Good catch @Venturi We’ve all been slacking on that one.

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I like to see who I’m fighting. (That’s a misquote from Troy.)

BTW, I didn’t mean to dismiss loupes. They’re quick and easy to use – great for inspections that don’t require 100X or more.

Really? I find that reading glasses help when I’m magnifying things. A bonus for me is I have a custom pair because my eyes require different corrections. Wearing them brings both eyes into focus and boosts the total magnification.

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@Venturi Never required glasses until about 3 years ago to read up close. So i just buy the cheap ones :laughing:

Me too, Americas’ Best, got my $$$.$$
Could have bought a new HLG 350R or see police cars a mile away during upcoming 6000 mi trip. Not a tough choice.
Interestingly the new WADOT drivers eye test busted me for my right eye, two days before the new glasses corrected the cataract lost vision.
Lions Club International fan, I am.

Stand supports microscope with firm dial focus adjusting.
Portable, rechargeable, recordable-memory disc needed.

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so the damn bugs arnt on plant or under leaves as far as I can see just on the pot :thinking:

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@DEEPDIVERDAVE I see your stand adjusts in Y and Z – I like that. Are there gears, so you adjust in either dimension by turning a knob?

Originally, you showed some on the leaves. Perhaps the Jacks Dead Bug killed those and the ones on your pots are a different insect that don’t harm the plant?

Device is a stand mounted microscope (detachable).
Microscope holding device is on slide pole, with rear mounted tighten knob (course height adjustment).
That assembly has gear driven side mounted adjusting knob for fine height adjusting.
Positioned properly, the camera focus adjusting dial can easily be accesed and adjusted.
Better device is the Coin Viewer microscope and adjusting stand.
Viewer came in stand described above and was pieced for multiple use devices.

USB Microscope fits assembly and interchanges easily.

USB stand, too weak.


So the stand adjusts only in Z but has a gear for fine adjustments. Z is the most critical dimension because, at high magnifications, depth of field is very small, so tiny movements up or down are needed to get good focus.

Good choice.

Yes and coin viewer is stable in stand (or portable).
View area is narrow, Yes. Viewer has recordable options.
USB requires attaching to.
Portable, hand -held microscope option, not tried, by me.
I shake too much for viewing the bud porn without stable platform.
Above picture may not show narrow focus
Below, maybe better.
Specific areas are viewed and record button often (free digital, Killed Kodac)
Last year, focused tightly


same bug on leaves on pot but they reallly are on the pot more than anything else these are the best i can do photo wise

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You could spray the pot with the Jack’s Dead Bug.

But – since they don’t seem to be harming your plant and we don’t know what they are – I’d want a positive ID first. They might be beneficial insects.

I believe its mold mites… ive been spraying jacks the neem seems to work better just tried the peroxide

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in all honesty I never used organic soil with the npk being a point of actually paying attention to it so I thought the bag smelled odd… caulking it up to trying something new the top of the bag was dry and the bottom of soil was way moist… so I think the mites “woke up” … everything that I have read for the last 4 days since day one of seeing these bugs… on top of that I put some of this soil in my house plants no issues with them… no bugs so I think I will boil some water and run in threw the soil … but make sure its drying properly… I don’t know where to go from here as far as the plant I have going now… … if I could find some good soil around my area I’d transplant my plant one last time and let it roll… and now I dont want to deal with these bugs no more they’re :unamused: starting to bug me hahahah @Caligurl @Kimcj


@KayJet this is what @Growdoc suggested above.

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I have to rid the soil of mold … so permethrin will take care of the bugs that would just come back …because of mold in soil

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You could also treat the soil with a little peroxide in the water, it’s good for mold or root rot prevention.


@kaptain3d I did a total torture on my plant it seems ok I just won’t yeild as much… I straight decimated this plant from roots to soil… it hasnt died yet :rofl::sweat_smile: within four weeks it has been transplanted twice drenched bare nakid and clipped some of the roots off before the 2nd transplant… and clipped the wilted leaves off
after the 2nd transplant the leafs wilted and started to kind of dry up so I chopped them off god lol :laughing: horrible


@merlin44 @Kimcj I forgot to tag you guys in the update of her journey :rofl::rofl: also I have no more bugs and got great soil locally