New to this please help

Hi guys im super new to this I have a good idea of what to do as I’ve been doing research for months now and im ready to get this show on the road this is the setup I’ve selected so I would love to see what u guys think as im going to have a lot of questions going in


How big is the tent? That Vivosun light probably won’t flower more than 2x2 max.


the tent is a 48x48x80 @AloysiusDevadanderAbercrombie

That light is too weak for a 4x4 tent or even a 3x3 tent at only 100 watts.


You’ll need more light than that. I have over 200w for my 2x2 space.

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I had bought the same exhaust fan they work great but it rattles my whole 2 story 6 bedroom 3 bathroom house so if that’s going to be an issue I would go with a better exhaust like AC infinity or something that’s a bit more quiet

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So is it better for me to piece it together rather than buy the kit @Teffygreenthumb @Hellraiser @AloysiusDevadanderAbercrombie


Yeah, the vivosun exhaust fans don’t get great reviews, I hear they are very noisy.


Yes, better to piece together with better equipment, specially light and exhaust fan.


this is media i have decided to go with and im going to be running autos

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And avoid the Vivosun 6" clip fans like the plague! They like to catch fire.

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Omg is that why I couldn’t find them on Amazon last week, lol. I went with this thing instead.

That fan is working awesome in my 4x4 op. Takes up a little real estate in a corner but blows away, haha, any tent pole fan.


Any suggestions for lights for but not trying to spend a whole lot @Hellraiser @AloysiusDevadanderAbercrombie @Teffygreenthumb

Search MiGro on youtube, he just put up a short vid today and listed a bunch of lights in order of value & how much light they put out.

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Check out @CoolestGuyOnThePlanet’s comment. Migro had loads of good information.

The most recommended brand around here is Horticulture Lighting Group, but there not in everyone’s price range.

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It’s not going to be cheap to properly light a 4x4 with good modern LED lights - 2 HLG 260XLs kits will run you just short of $800. Could go with a chinese light like a spider farmer SF4000 for like $600, not as good, not as much light.

Maybe consider going down to a 3x3 tent, would cost half as much to light -1 HLG 260 Rspec would cover it pretty well for under $400.

Lighting is the most important investment you will make in growing. It will largely determine your yield potential.

Could go old school Metal Halide/ High Pressure Sodium for less than $200, but will need to vent the heat away from the tent, preferably out a window or something. Probably the best bang for the buck but most new growers seem set on LED lights (usually cheap ones), even if they are not as good as the old school 600 watt MH/HPS.


I had that fan. It is very loud even on the lowest setting. It also caused an insane amount of negative pressure in my tent on the lowest setting. The AC Infiniti is worth the extra money.


I use that exhaust to exhaust my entire grow room works great but it’s very very loud you can feel and hear it in every room in my house so if noise is an issue that’s a no go

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Like hellraiser has suggested for lighting I run cheap Chinese lights and have to have 2 times the watts to have the same potential those HLGs have just as well run real bulbs but I don’t haha