New grower giving updates

There are soooo many people here that can help… many experts :wink:

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Yeah i know more i just used you cause yoy have been helping. Him but you are true before i got on here i didn’t know what pollen was didnt no there was a male and female plant i didn’t know that the females flower i thought you just smoke the leaves i never knew how people got buds out of leaves and i really didn’t know about autos i knew sativa indicia hybrid so when i started researching i opened up a new world im on my 3rd grow now I’m no expert but i can most of the time look and fix my problems sorry for going on and on but i had to show how cannabis dumb i was. happy growing.


Coolio!!! There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t learn something from this forum!!! Happy growing… Kim


Right :gem:

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I e snapped branches before tape em real quick I use a garden tape but anything will work it will b ok.

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Do her leaf tips always curl like that

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So here is some updated pics. I havent touched them or done anything since I flushed them last Saturday. I believe the curling was from the flushing. I was kinda frustrated with myself snapping the branch and put myself in timeout for the week lol. Definitely any tips appreciated. I don’t think they look horrible but not great either
@shady424 @Treasurestoy @Caligurl! @registereduser


The tips look better now sometimes when the leaf tips curl down and a dark dark green can mean a nitrogen toxicity actually mine were doing something similar when I flushed some nutes out she bounced back quickly that’s why I was asking.


They look ok to me from the picture they just look a lil dark like to much nitrogen but other than that the look good


Gotcha yea I was thinking organic was gonna be easy and no feeding.just water. Well I thought wrong lol. This is the only nutes I bought learning I may need it towards the end. I wish I knew about this forum way earlier

@Treasurestoy @shady424


I have maxi bloom too havent used it much yet Wendy’s little crazy with a bunch of different nutes and haven’t tried all them yet gonna have the wife use it in her bucket white widow this round while I’m in the soil which shouldn’t need any nutes cause the super soil in the bottom I made. Only give it cal mag silica blast and some azos. For the roots. They are looking much better though than the pic up above you can see the tips curling over on the post above but looking like bouncing back. Not looking bad at all though I’m good shape

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So this is the snapped branch. Should I retake or leave it how it is? @Treasurestoy @shady424 @Caligurl

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I have never used that i use hf and and i dont do anything but water when dry

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I just amend my soil every 4wks with worm casting fertilizer and bloom and kelp meal if in flower my grows are so easy i get bored when they all trained and there’s nothing to do.

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Ok yea that’s what I thought I should be doing. I just wasn’t sure what to get. Your using like dry powder nutes correct. And then water over?

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I would take it and just use treat like topping

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Top it? @Treasurestoy

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Yeah cause the way it broke you really can’t save it by taping


Yea it was taped I just took it off but everything is growing above it surprisingly. I believe new growth actually. Is it still a problem you think if it’s growing?

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If its growing leave it and see what it do it could pull through you may have some problems during flower with the weight of the buds on that branch cause the way it broke it wont ever heal bk together

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