Autoflower grows

growing my first autos which are sour diesel and gorilla glue.


Off to a great start. You decided! That’s difficult sometimes.

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Sweet man!! Good luck!! :+1:

What kind of set up do you have?

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Pics or it didn’t happen. :slight_smile:

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Week 1
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Week 2


the sour diesel are coming along great for 12 days. Although my gorilla glue aren’t growing as fast.

Looking good!

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…annnnd… I’ll be watching.

Loving the speed on the sour diesel. You’re right, they are coming along very nicely!!

What light have you got in there?

I’m also interested in soil. Looks like you have Coco??

I am using about 60%coco, 30% perlite, and then just some soil with slow notes in it. I also mixed in some guano, and root growth just to give em a little kick start. Then with the lights I have a Chinese made “burple” led light, 2 led bulbs, and 2-2ft led light strips.

hello how is everyone ? I was wondering your pot size .

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Way too small. I never done autos so I wasn’t aware that you do not want to transplant after they are growing. But I only used 1 gallon pots. Definitely wished I used 3 or 5 now.

thank you . I am trying Autos for the first time now . I used 7 gallon smart pots but feel they are to big unless plan to leave in direct sun all day they do not dry out enough . I will use 5 Gallon next time I think . also makes hard to compare as mine look so small in the pot next to everyone pictures

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I would Suggest some training at this point while the stems are soft and young . you will greatly increase your yield from most types of weed

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your plants look very nice your doing a great job have a good day and thank you for the response

I will start doing that now. I appreciate all the help and feedback from everyone.

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Growing good buddy! Welcome to ILGM!

I’ve heard plenty of people on threads here say that transplanting is just fine as long as you’re not in flower…

Good deal. I’m glad to hear that. Thank you

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Off to the Races !

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Here’s my little ladies going on week 3. Everyone out there that has experience with autos, do these seem to be on track growing wise?