Need some help with dli

What is the proper dli for a seedling and or how high should my light be

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Seedling DLI should be 15-20, these numbers will determine the height. Raise, lower or adjust the intensity to hit the 15-20 :love_you_gesture: I’m generally around 24” at 30% for the small 100 watt light I use or I also use a T5 fluorescent for the 1st two weeks. You can always fall back on the manufacturer’s recommendation


Oops…wrong charts. BRB

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Ok thanks for info. Gotbit at 15 dli. About 30 inches with 150 patriot

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Nice, watch for stretching at 30”. Is the light dimmable? If so you can always lower the light and intensity if she starts stretching too much :love_you_gesture:

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Questions. I notice alot of people say they are at that height. Mine started stretching crazy so i put them under my desk. Under a blurple light on blue only i think. May have been both. but only 6 inches from top if plant. Placed light on these as stands.

And they became monsters

Why does everyone say so high so weak ? Jw


Thanx again for info. 2nd growoverall. First indoor grow. Dont want to screw it up

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I thought 30 inches was a bit high

Young seedling can’t take the intensity :love_you_gesture:

themre they are now. I also put them under my mars tsw2000 at 12 inches since they went i to the tent


I use this…

Height doesn’t really matter much if you use DLI.


I run a MarsHydro FC-E4800 and keep the light at 50% 30in. from my canopy and don’t seem to have issues with stretching. I drop it to 12in. During flower at 100% obviously. :man_shrugging:t3:

Nice plants definitely. I’m definitely going to look forward to watching them mature here. The best grown is homegrown! Green👍🏻