Need info on white widow

Hi I have started 2 white widow plant on march 28th so its 6 weeks ago was wondering how long it should take between germination and harvest any info would be appreciated very much :blush:

Depends on if it is an auto or. Photoperiod plant.

Photoperiod veg stage is as long as you make it flower roughly 9-11 weeks (63-77 days) autoflowers will flower with age roughly around there 4th-6th week of growth from seed and will take probably close to 10 weeks to flower its entire cycle.


Toker said it best, also remember that this is mother nature and all of these times are estimated. You can’t make it finish any quicker it’ll be done when it wants haha


Thanks I ordered them through I <3 GM and they are the auto flower and if my poor old eyes are seeing right I maybe seeing tee tiny flower starting


@merlin50 congratulations on reaching the flowering stage - I harvested my WWAF after about 7 weeks of flowering.

If you can post a pic we can confirm flowering😊 We love pictures!

Happy growing !


Yeah, mine are coming up on week 8 of flower right now. Mostly cloudy and still no amber yet
Mine is 85 days from sprout

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I will take a photo tomorrow out in the sunlight and post have to get off here and go for my dad’s 70th Bday supper

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@Hawkeye_diesel makes a good point, I had to harvest a bit early due to humidity issues in my tent - 8 weeks in flower is what I think ILGM recommends as average

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I started 5 WW seeds in mid January. I’ve already harvested two plants for about 1.5 ounce each in mid April. Indoor soil grow. It’s important to remember that not every plant grows at the same pace. The other 3 plants, which have grown bigger, are still a few weeks from being ready to harvest. My personal recommendation is to throw out any calendar and trust your eyes. Don’t expect all plants to be ready at the same time.

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