Im growing a white widow auto and am on weak 3 and the first set of true leaves are just comeing in how long do i have till it starts flowering?
Welcome to the forum. I have a couple of wwa going right now looking forward to harvest in another month or so. Not knowing the growing conditions it can be hard to estimate but I would say you have another 3-4 weeks before you start to see budding begin. A picture would help narrow that gap.
It all depends on your environment and growing media. In DWC my autos took 11wks to finally start to flower. Autos just do their own thing and can’t be controlled. I prefer photos because I can control the number of weeks I want to grow ± 2wks.
Had a wwa harvest about two months ago. I saw first signs of pistols at week three and in full flower by week six. I grow in soil.
Dang 11 weeks to start flowering. I think I would have cut them down and started again. I’m leaning toward preferring photos myself. I look at the time autos take and if I add a couple weeks I could have photos with all their benefits.
I practically did that. My first grow with a weak light grew for 3 months and I cut it down because it just wouldn’t flower strong. Got grams. Real disappointment. Next time I had the same slow grow but now I had 4xQB304. Ultimately got 1lb from 2 plants, but still almost took 5months! I won’t be doing autos again, at least indoors. Photos are just so much more controllable and better yield.