Need help not what’s going on

Hello new grower here I’m have some issues with my babies there not happy one is yellowing all over and other isn’t looking good either and all have yellow dieing leaves in the bottom I am using happy frog soil 5 gallon pots temp stay around 30c and humidity around 50 they did go through alil heat stress before taking this pic so yes I do know there doing the taco I don’t think that the cause of my issues as things where starting to change before the heat stress

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Happy frog is running out of nutes ,you in flower right on time as expected from soil


ho0w much nutes you think i should give them i have fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom should i feed them both nutes and how much

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here is the fox farm feed schedule. Most start at 1/4 or half strength. Id say you are week 5ish maybe. You will probably want some calcium and magnesium also. they make a cal mag all in one which isn’t always they best but a lot of people use it. I did my first grow with FF before switching to jacks 3-2-1. Just so many bottles with the fox farm. anyway. You’ll also want if you dont have one a decent ph meter apera ph 20 comes to mind.Get some calibration fluid also if you can. and a tds meter. A chepo is fine.
I know this stuffs expensive but it pays off in the long run.
Get some ph up/down depending on your mix and some pippets for measuring in Ml> I used more ph up in my FF grow with ro water. None now with tap just ph down. 6.2- 6.5 in soil is where I shot for after everything was mixed. before adding the ph/up down. When using the PH down (ACID) wear gloves and eye protection. DO NOT GET IT IN YOUR EYES> Or get water in the bottle of PH DOWN It will cause a bad reaction. Always remember ph down can go into water but water can not go into the ph down. Sounds strange but that’s science for ya.
Youll want to be testing your run off with the ph meter and tds meter also… the wors part about the FF aside form having 20 bottles for me was the flushes. But you will have to flush those salts.
Theres a lot of great posts here that will answer all your questions so study study study. Also don’t be afraid to ask for help.

another edit. you dont have to have all those bottles. plenty of people grow with just the trio. Big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom.


I should have said get some 3m kcl storage fluid or equivalent for that PH meter. It comes with calibration fluid minus the 10. You want the storage fluid to keep the sensor wet when in the case. If you get the ph 20 store it in the cast on its’ side(not flat) so the unit is in the upright position. If you don’t the fluid will leak out over time. Don’t let it dry out and only rinse it off with distilled water. All this being said i’m still new and learning also. every day. Sometimes hard lessons with screw ups but thats how we learn. Some of the pros may chime in and help better guide you.

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It looks like a magnesium deficiency add cal mag. If you’re runoff ppm is bellow 1500 it’s time for feeding nutrients