I needed some help identifying if this plant has some sort of disease or if this is some type of nutrient problem. I have pHed every time i have watered (going in it is around 5.8 average never dropping below 5.6 and run off is averaged at 6.1) and have watered a total of 3 times so far from sprout (misted for a week and a half) and one of those times i have added fox farm big bloom. humidity was kept above 70% for a week and a half as well. for 2 days it was extremely low (17%) because i had to go home and my roommate accidentally unplugged the extension that powered both of my fans. Could this be due to poor ventilation/low humidity? Any fixes or will she be just fine? Thanks!
Can you post a photo of the plant under regular white light? What medium.
You should fill out a support ticket, that will provide folks with the information that they will need to help you. @garrigan62@Myfriendis410@raustin@anon95385719
Without knowing more this is just a shot in the dark, but if you are growing in soil, your pH is very low. It is near the lower limit for hydro, I believe. For soil you should be between 6.3 and 6.8.
If it is a hydro or soil-less medium, 5.8 going in is fine and 6.1 coming out is also fine. Absolutely as @merlin44 says, if you are in soil, you should up the pH to 6.5 going in.
I don’t think a day or two at low humidity would set them back to far.
Oh man im so sorry i didnt realize i forgot to attach the picture. i attached it below and will edit the post to include it. I am growing in fox farm ocean soil. and alright thanks! ill work on raising the pH a bit more. i thought the range should have been around 5.5-6.5 so i must have misread that somewhere. thanks guys!
Its very noticeable on the far left leaf but it looks like the far right and the lower bottom leaf might develop. i wasnt sure if it could have been nute burn or something similar. also i forgot to add, when i added the grow big nutes the pH was very high (around 7.8) so i lowered it to around 6.3 going in using white vinegar (just in case that could have contributed to it).
Yes, get your pH going in up to 6.5 and you’ll be fine. 6.1 is on the low side for soil pH, but not out of range. It will likely correct itself after a few waterings.
Ocean Forest is a hot soil. Folks on this site recommend not using nutrients until flowering. I have used hot soils before transitioning into a coco based, and have always struggled a little with nute burn, but they rebound quickly. The PH is ke, though.
I believe you plant is starving due to pH induced nutrient lockout. It will likely bounce right back if you can get the root pH to around 6.5. You mentioned that the pH never getting below 5.6 going in. Yikes! Even when I am rapidly forcing my pH down I don’t go below 5.9 in Ocean Forest.
I gotta say: IMO the small yellowing area is likely bleaching from water on the leaves under lights. Soil is pretty wet so be sure to allow it to dry completely between watering. FFOF is considered “hot” and some strains are more sensitive to that than others.
No nutes until flower with that soil. No bloom nutes until blooming haha!
When I grow White Widow in FFOF, I must be especially careful with pH and nutes as they will turn their toes up for a few days if nutrients get too intense. Not a problem, just keep an eye out.
thanks for all the help guys! ill make sure to start using water with slightly higher pH to get it to 6.5! should i aim to get runoff to 6.5 or water going in to 6.5? cause usually my runoff is just a bit higher in pH. also @Myfriendis410 i did mist twice a day and did have larger bulges of water on top of my leaves so that could possibly be it as well! that would make sense its on the larger leaves as i stopped misting and started watering a few days back. ill make sure to not add any more nutes until i flower. thanks guys!
In a similar situation recently, I watered with 6.9 water to heavy runoff until the runoff was at 6.5. If this were to happen later in the grow when you have started nutes, you would feed the next day with water at pH 6.5 to restore the nutrients that were rinsed away during the pH correcting flush.
Where your grow is, don’t feed afterward because it is not time to use nutes yet.