I have a granddaddy purple from ilgm growing in fox farms ocean forest soil seven gallon fabric pot. Seed was planted January 29th, and from the start i was having problems with leaves turning yellow. As plant got bigger yellowing was getting worse. At about 1 month from sprout i started using fox farms trio nutrients, i also use the three bloom nutes. I feed every other watering. When i water or feed i give plant half a gallon every two days when plant drys out. Ph of water or feed is always checked and adjusted to 6.2 to 6.4. After my first flush i checked runoff ph and it was 5.4, so i bought a soil ph meter and tested soil ph was 5.6 at rootzone. After a bunch of reading i added lime to the soil, and it has been a couple months and ph is still only 5.8. I really dont know what is going on with this plant. At this point im feeding with a ppm of 1100. I also use fishshit every watering, and cal mag on my plain water days. Any advice would be appreciated.
How often are you feeding her she is a big plant she is probably hungry for more potassium and phosphorus
I feed every other watering and i water every two days but i only water with 1/2 gallon at a time
Yah that could be ur problem she is very hungry i water mine with four ltrs each time every two days sometimes every day depending on how hot it is
I had a problem over watering with my first grow so i cut back on water with this one im running 3 plants all in same pots and other 2 are doing pretty good but this one is getting the best of me
I know all plants are different but when i water with 1 gallon of water it takes 4 days to dry out thats why i went to 1/2 gallon but i had to flush tonight and i run 2.5 gallons through it when it drys out again im going to feed with 2 gallons and see what she does
You should be watering that plant to full runoff of about 15%. She could have a buildup in the soil causing lockout, preventing her from taking up the nutrients.
A salt buildup creating the inability to manage pH is common later in grows when using FF nutes. FF soils will correct to a pH of ~6.5 with a good flush.
I do flush and i did last night so we will see
5 gallon pots usually take a gallon of water or more to get runoff.
You should flush with water until runoff reaches desired ph. The time to “see” was last night.
It got to 5.9 last night and ppm i got to 400 so i stopped right there it takes 2 gallons of water for me to get run off and when i water that much it takes almost a week to dry out enough to water again on my last run i ran 10 gallon pots and used 2 gallons of water every watering but i kept getting signs of overwatering even though id let plants dry i think they was staying wet to long so on this run i quit watering until run off i just use enough water to get me through 2 days that way if something did happen i may could fix it quicker my other two plants like it but this one dont im thinking about giving this one more water and feed at a time to just see what happens
You said you are using ffof right? Are you adding any perlite? I use 3 scoops soil, 1 scoop perlite. Sounds like you are having a drainage issue.
5.9 is kinda low ph for your soil. Between 6 and 7 will keep your plant alive but between 6.5 and 6.8 is the sweetspot. At least for me.
I use perlite about the same way but i do think it has drainage problems still