Amnesia Haze AF in ninth day of harvest. I understand the usual is fourteen days to dry. I checked one of the smaller “popcorn” buds and it snapped completely off. I had a struggle maintaining consistent RH. While I was traveling a malfunction caused the RH to drop to 35% in the tent for almost three days. I have otherwise maintained 50% RH. The buds are dry/brittle on the outside but they still feel pliable on the inside; but they don’t seem to be “moist.” Should I transfer to curing jars early? Or wait it out ? Thanks
Throw some buds in the jar with a mini hygrometer and let it sit for a few hours and check your humidity level. If you’re in the 58-62% range then your ready to cure.
Wow! Excellent suggestion! Should the buds fill the cure jar to any level; perhaps 50-60 % of jar capacity? Or would that risk loosing any amount?
I usually end up with about an ounce per jar Buds in jar loose not packed.
For testing I usually fill it about 1/4 of the way with the smaller buds. If my humidity is holding steady, I fill the jars about 3/4 full with the same size buds. Then I start testing with larger buds and repeat.
Testing equalized rh is a great method. If your smaller buds are breaking off though it sounds plenty dry to be jarred. If you go through your plant and most of the stems are breaking I would jar it all sooner than later. We’re getting into dryer seasons and faster dry times are pretty normal.
With any luck after jars are able to equalize you could open them and notice some moisture pulled from centers.
Sounds done to me the key is not to pack the buds in(gently toss them in) and you can fill them about 5/6 full and each time I’d burp I gave them a gentle shake to free any trapped air I couldn’t keep my dry room above 45-50% rh (55% is closer to perfect)so my dries were usually about 6 days and they came out fantastic after 3 weeks of cure (check the rh with a mini meter in your jars I almost always had to use lettuce to get them to 62% at least once during curing time)
Thanks, they are all curing with mini hygrometers; had to move forward even though I harvested a bit too soon, some buds are “airy” and some denser. What about humidity packs for 62%…Boveda?
Airy vs dense buds probably doesn’t have anything to do with your dry or cure. More than likely the more dense buds were at top of plant, and airy buds lower on plant. The boveda packs are great, but I don’t use them until after cure.
BTW I’ve begun my next grow from the same batch of seeds. Two plants this time. FFOF, 7.0 pH water spray mist. Transplant from germination on 12-5, seedlings broke through soil on 12-7…about three inches tall right now. One is in excellent shape the other has a “blotchiness” I cannot identify on an illustrated “deficiencies/excess chart.” Can you identify if there is a problem?
It’s the lower leaves “discoloration” I’m wondering about.