Need a diagnosis!

Hello everyone. This is my first attempt at growing. I have a 5 by 5 tent, 1000 watt hps, soil pro mix mycro something,and mills nutrient package. I purchased 20 ww. planted 6 and 5 germinated. Water ph is about 8.3 by itself, 6.3 with nutrients. I do not know my soil ph or the ph of the run off because I do not water until there is overflow and I do not have a soil tester.(will fix that in a few days and purchase a soil tester) At 2.5 to 3 weeks I transplanted and water with nutrients every time.( aprox. 1 half gallon each) Water schedule every 3 days. 44 days in and still vegging. Lots of issues with environment 47 low 107 high average 62-65 low 78-85 high. Plants are around 21 inches high.
Problem: Tips of new leaves are yellow(1 day). If there is no picture that means I need help with that also.



hey @GamblingMan, it is really important to know the ph at the root level…plant cannot take up nutrients unless it is at a sweet spot. i use coco and keep the ph around 5.5-5.8. my autos like the lower #… maybe @yoshi or one of the other elder members can elaborate further. whatever you do get yourself a meter to test the root zone,that has really helped me…happy growing ohh pictures,hit the upload button,or the symbol with arrow in toolbar and just upload from where you want. the people here are great and more experienced members could help more, @Hammer, @Paranorman, @Oldstoner

to get a ph water until run off with known ph water and measure run off a picture would certainly help but I see no mention of Cal-mag additive so would be a likely suspect right off the hop pro-mix is soil less and Cannabis is Cal-mag hungry
do some homework

without picture and more info best start I can give you


@GamblingMan sounds to me like your nute burning your plants try feeding every other watering
With out a ph meter and tds meter its hard to know what going on in soil at roots recommend you get both asap
Also for you you I believe you’ll want your ph lower than 6.3 coco is a soilless medium and should be treat more like hydro to my knowledge I believe something around 5.8 . But double check me on that
@BIGE and @Donaldj both made good points as well

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First off welcome to the group . You should go to the support page and fill out a support slip and post it but it does sound like over feeding but without a clear pic of whats going on it is just a shot in the dark. Don’t bother buying a soil ph . Probe those are a waste of time and money. They are only good for telling moisture level . For about 20 bucks you can get a electronic one from amazon ph is the start of about 80 % of all grow problems besides pests



Yes it’s was suspect number 1 Magnesium as I expected

but only pictures and ph would give the facts to confirm I would still like to encourage you to water differently run off is very important as it flushes excess nutrients out of soil on water cycles and reduces dry pockets in feed cycles

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I use Pro mix, it is a soilless medium. I have tried using soil ph’er (not sure if it’s because it soilless) and it didn’t work for me, only testing the run off works for me.

Just got back (190 mile trip) , purchased some cal mag but I did not get the soil tester. The associate said it was not needed because I am using the pro mix and use nutrients every time which i have been doing since 2.5 to 3 weeks, Will water tomorrow until there is run off. then I will test the ph. My ph tester was off by.9 so the ph level was actually about 5.4 for the last month. I will do tsd test after watering tomorrow also. Well water by itself is about 127 ppm, never tested with nutrients but will tomorrow. Thank you and everyone for your guidance. Lots of info here, I think I have read everything at least twice but can retain all that info will have to make a cheat sheet for the 2nd attempt will I hope to begin in about 2 weeks.


Measure tds and ph of run off this will give you an idea of what is remaining in the soil feeding every time will create it’s own issues if you are growing soil even in promix or sunshine #4 Canna terra or many other soil less mixes. I use promix and water water feed or feed feed water but I always incorporate some sort of flush water to keep track of ppm. Build ups will create nutrient lock outs


Ok sounds good will feed tomorrow with cal mag and test ph and solids of run off and post results. Thank you


I didn’t realize I should also be checking the TDS coming out. I just figured the soil would hold whatever it can. Should I also be monitoring the run off or does that not matter when using Foxfarms?

(I’m feeding worm casts adding milk.)

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Lol that is the easiest way to get ahead of the curve if you are checking tds/ppm you know when you should be running a water cycle without nutes to prevent salt build ups and lockouts.


OK. I’ll start doing that. I know it can’t hurt to check the TDS out, just never realized it would matter in soil.

Thanks, Brother…


Tds in soil is just like tds in hydro it tells you if your plants are eating and if it gets too high burns roots soil’s biggest difference to hydro is oxygen availlablity but in essence your roots are still living in a nutrient solution the roots just have to leach it out of surrounding medium rather than it being suspended in water.


I personally check ph and ppm of my run off after every watering and feeding
I wasn’t aware I needed to do it either since this was my first indoor never needed to outside
But now that I’m in the habit I can’t stop myself lmao
Curious minds want to know
And I’ll flush if I need to till I get ppm as per ff nute schedule ? Not sure if it right but it’s working for me?


The roots are what the plants are all about and the healthier the root zone the merrier which is why all the microbes meters and enzymes they always start from the bottom so a little prevention is always best course. You don’t like having your feet in dirty socks right?

Lol…I don’t like my feet in anything but the dirt! Flip flops are bad enough! I only wear shoes if I absolutely have to.


Have 4 gallons with mills nutrients 1 teaspoon of cal mag ready. Ph 5.9-6.0, solids 220-280. Will water in an hour and half when they wake up test run off and post results later tonight. Are the ph and solid numbers in range for the pro mix?