Hi All,
I haven’t reached out for help in a while but I need some advice on this one. I have brown spotting on my lower fan leaves.
Here is info on my grow:
• What strain: Bubble Gum from ILGM
• Method: Organic soil, FF Ocean Forest amended with Dolomite lime, Garden Tone, Worm Castings, Perlite and Mykos applied to roots during transplant.
• Vessels: 3 Gallon Fabric Pots
• PH of Water, Around 7ish
• PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution NA
• Indoor or Outdoor
• Light system: (3) Growstar Full Spectrum LED, 115 watt actual current draw each, 14" Above canopy 22-29K LUX— estimated PAR 800-1050 ppfd/umol/s/m2., DLI about 30 mol/m2/day
• Temps; Day- 75 deg. F , Night- 75 deg. F.
• Humidity; Day- 55% RH , Night- 55% RH
• Ventilation system; Separate intake and exhaust fans providing 5 air changes per minute roughly
• AC- 8k btu portable , Humidifier= yes, De-humidifier= YES,
• Co2; Yes, No
If growing Hydro some additional questions: NA
This plant is about 7 days in from the start of flowering (pistils). Overall it has a nice green appearance. The symptoms I am noticing are twofold:
Brown Spots on lowest fan leaves
And noticeably thin leaves at the very top of the plant (the purple tint is from the LEDs, the leaves are actually nice and green):
I did a top dress about 2 weeks ago with:
I did a slurry test about 5 days ago, here are the results:
PH | 6.67 |
EC | 3.03 |
PPM (.5) | 1520 |
Last watering I did was tap water and a little bit of molasses. I am not good at troubleshooting leaves, but I am leaning towards an excess of Potassium which is causing some other lockout issues.
I know from researching this is rare and I might be looking for some exotic issue. Hopefully you guys can steer me in the right direction with a more common problem.
I appreciate your help!