Natures living soil Auto concentrate?

Any one using it?? If so how are results??? Thinking on giving it try . would appreciate any info!!:+1:

I ordered it based off of the high amount of positive Amazon reviews. I used it on my last grow and my current grow. Pretty easy to use. Directions are pretty fool proof. Add to the bottom of empty pot. (or in my case fabric pot) Add FF HF soil slightly under half way of the pot. Mix thoroughly. Fill the remainder of the pot with just FF HF. Thatā€™s it.

I am impressed. I did start to add calmag when she started to flower, but aside from that, just PHā€™d water. Hereā€™s a few pics of my NL harvest using the super soil. (note that this isnā€™t my whole harvest, just one jar of about 7) I would recommend it. I was so sick of measuring nutrients. Worried about too much or too little. This is the way to go. I have ordered their photo period product as well, but havenā€™t used it.

PS - The white pistils you still see is foxtailing.


Thanks!! Looks great! You didnā€™t add molasses or terp enhancer? Just water???Iā€™m impressed!!:+1::seedling::boom:!! What was her dry weight? I was worried about airy loose buds but those look pretty solidā€‹:yum:!

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No, I didnā€™t add anything besides calmag and water. Some others on here suggested I give her some other things but I just let her ride. She did great. My current grow is 2 weeks into flower and she looks healthy.

My very first grow (not using living soil) I had horrible, loose, airy, non-smokable buds. I changed my light, changed to organic, changed a lot of things but I really think it came down to too early of a harvest. She wasnā€™t ready and I was too excited and new to care. Learned my lesson since.

Gonna weigh the above soon but havenā€™t gotten a chance yet.

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Hey Iā€™m gonna run 5 ,5 gallon mesh pots do I need the one pound or the 5 pound???

I used it on 3 grows worked good as advertised I did use some compost tea made with some of the left over NLS, worm castings, liquid sea weed and molasses and you will need the 5LB


Thanks glad you liked it!!

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The one pound is perfect for a 5 gallon pot. If you get the 5 pound bag, youā€™ll have to measure out how much you put in each fabric pot. ( 1 Lb in each fabric pot) Up to you but Iā€™m lazy and would probably just get 5, 1lb bags. Lol


5 lbs is 42.00 . 1lb 22.00 lot cheaper to buy bulk. Plus 10% off on Amazon.

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I believe on the bag or website they have it broken down in how many cups equals a pound

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I am so happy to read this!! I bought NLS. Then started reading all of the posts that mention Fox Farmsā€¦so I purchased that :joy_cat: There is so much info out there that itā€™s overwhelming at times. Iā€™m going with my original plan of NLS and organic blend.


Yeahā€¦ Moving forward thatā€™s what Iā€™ll do. Itā€™s supposed to stay good for a long time too


i use it on my autos, works thats for sure


These are northern light auto one at day 54 and one at day 30. Use molasses one to two times a week in conjunction with compost tea applied at 2 weeks growth. Top dress with ffof at week four. Top dress with nls girl flower power at week 5. Use gfp for compost tea after 5th week at week 7 and then week 9. Going wonderful for me. No deficiencies or nurtrient burns to date. Outdoor grow.


@Ganjagetaway welcome!! Thanks for your reply!! Girls look great!!

No problem at all man. Hope it helps. Thank you.

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What brand of cal mag was it did you use?

Sorry for the late reply. Busy weekend. I use ā€˜Bloom Cityā€™ brand. Off of Amazon.

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PS - I would only give her calmag is sheā€™s showing signs she needs it. Let her be if she looks healthy. Even at flower.

What about that ā€œBonticareā€ brand cal mag that is also on Amazon? Are all calmags the same for supersoil or is there any brand to avoid?

I was having some sort of issue/deficiency but I ended using the supersoil concentrate as a top dress which seems to have corrected it