Well title just about says it all really.
Cant be far off now.
Not fully understanding the idea and how too flush.
I have stopped adding nutrients.
I gave them a big drink of water the other day til water was seen through bottom of bag.
Just been watering every second day with water only.
Read somewhere some molasses in the water can help now.
Also earlier on i fertilized one lower bud on each bush.
It is visible it worked some seeds breaking open there outer green husks exposing a little white seed inside.
When my flowers are ready do i just leave the branch with the seeded bud to continue maturing and cut my flowers that are ready for harvest?
I have 2 options for drying a shipping container where it will be dark but may get over 65 deg F during the day or a darkish corner of my wood shed that has good airflow and maybe colder at night.
What’s my best option?
You have time still to go. The white pistils should be brown and not white.
Glad you picked up my new topic.
Not sure how to remember members names at the time if typing to add the @MrPeat or who ever else. I have a shocking memory. Any suggestion on my other questions.
About the seeded buds needing more time than the flowers and the 2 options for drying.
We had a pink moon over here the other night
Keep taking care of them. I think you still got a few weeks to go let those buds fatten up. I would monitor the temperature a couple of days in the two areas. Before I made my decision. 65 deg is not bad.
Thanks @kellydans
Any advise on the maturing seeds.
Seeds take 4-8 weeks from pollination, in my experience. I would eave the pollinated branches regardless of when you harvest for at least an extra week, just to make sure they are mature.
Your plant has a few weeks at least to go.
Thanks AAA
I Did not see your response till after i requested help on the topic again.
I appreciate your support.
Cant wait til next years grow outside this side of the world.
I’ve been here since Sept 23rd and I can bately remember my own name.
Hi AAA just an update i looked on my records. It would seem i pollinated one or 3 plants on the 5th of march and the other 2 or 4 on the 13th march so ill keep them pollinated flowers going til at least end of april.
It will seem a bit odd just having 1 cola left on each of my bushes.
@MrPeat @kettle @FrostyBuds
Hi here are some pictures of my gorrilla glue the tall spindly bush and an the squat unknown bush of a sativa strain.
Plus a close up of the trichomes.
I think they ready. Pretty consistent cloudy colour
What you think?
@AAA @tincupbb @kellydans @kettle @shindig153 @Hellraiser @dbrn32
I see one amber trich out of probably at least 50. I wouldn’t cut it, but probably not shooting yourself in the foot if you did.
the longer u leave it the happier u will be… 1-2 week… as always…
yeah just a little bit longer
Hi dbrn32
I just thought that once they go milky and some bronze starts setting in they start loosing potency.
What would i know still attempting to make sense of it all.
Amazing though that close up of the trichomes came from that tall gorrilla glue plant.
Different worlds.
That’s correct. Imo you want a small percentage of amber to keep your stash from being to racy.
Oh i see.
Wow such a new way of gardening.
Never got my macro lens out to see if my broccoli or tomato was ready to pick. Lol
All other experiments growing weed has been gorrilla style.
Now ive grown my first gorilla so close to ready.
You are already covered. A little bit longer.
NICE ! I would let those buds fatten up a little bit more. You will thank yourself in the long run.
A blast from the past.
I can’t believe I grew them lol.
Oh that gorilla glue was amazing.