Whats the verdict several different plants are any ready by you alls standards
1,2,3,4 please your opinions matter to me thanks
Whats the verdict several different plants are any ready by you alls standards
I don’t see any amber in your trichs and the sugar leaves still look green and full with plenty of white hairs…so in my opinion not there yet
Agree with what he said!
Good luck and keep’em growin!
Do you have spider mites? Looks like webs in that first pic.
Webs in a couple. Inspection time
Looks like you still have some time, but as stated, you need to inspect your plant(s) thoroughly. Lots of webbing. Could be a little spider which isn’t bad, or could be a bunch of spider mites, which can ravage a whole plant in just a few days if left untreated.
#1 and #2 look like they may have been pollinated. (white pistils with brown tips)
None look ready for harvest.
@HMGRWN do you know, is there a difference in how the pistils redden? What I mean is for example redness at base of pistil = plant aging and redness top of pistil equals polination?
Just recently came across this info so it’s not gospel. I will try to remember who’s post it was in and link it.
Pictures I have seen from articles on the subject show pollinated pistils stay white except for the tips which turn brown.
In normal aging/ripening, the pistil will turn entirely brown in a more or less even fade along the length.
Ill be surprised if so nothing around me in the sticks
I see a brown area in #4. Is it just a shadow? It looks like pictures of bud rot. I have not experienced it so I don’t know.
Sorry I should have clarified, I dont see pollination. I was asking about what @HMGRWN was talkin about. Your plants look great, except for that webbing. Did you find the cause of it?
It is a plant that has white web looking kinda like dandelion
No thank goodness ive already had bout with that if you do remember to spray before clip to prevent spores from spreading
I’ll say my memory is not what is was 30 years ago.