OK here are some pictures from sprout to now. She’s been top soil for 13 days. I started using a ProCO2 bucket 8 days ago and have been slowly increasing CO2
My Spider Farmer SF1000 is 16" from canopy and set to 60% intensity.
My question is -
When is an Auto officially in veg mode?
When should I increase the intensity and height of light?
I would say now. It looks great.
As soon as they get their first set of true leaves could be considered vegging. Flower will start at around 30 days usually give or take a few days unless there is a major issue that stunts them looking nice so far
Merry Christmas
Hy @Daniel578 welcome to the community merry Christmas I’m in autos to I had some blue dreams seeds to but I don’t germinate yet so I’m wait until my two sour diesel auto mature, in veg stage I should raised humidity BTW 75% to 80% but you good nice work, if you had just one plant co2 is just spend money don’t work for one or two plants
Merry Christmas!
Well I don’t have any windows in my efficiency to allow fresh air in. My last grow was a flop without CO2. This is what I ended up with my last attempt at growing and had inadequate lighting.
Hy @Daniel578 good morning sorry for be late, I was busy, I see you need a light for big plants and big yields, and all you need to started indoor with low money is 150$ light and one tent, one small fan and you had all you need for started and had some good tall plants
This is my plants
And this how look my dry yields
Looking great! I keep dates on new auto runs so I don’t overfill my reservoir with the wrong nutrients and typically you have 10-14 days from breaking ground as the seedling stage and roughly 25-35 days of veg then flowering usually starts and depending on the strain can last from 8-14 weeks. Typically 8-12
Yeah my first grow I didn’t have adequate lighting, nutrients or CO2.
This time around I have a decent light for 1 plant seed to harvest, nutrients and CO2.
My leaves have been looking a little dry the last few days, so I’ve been using a spray bottle to mist them and they looked much better after doing that. So the only thing I need now is a humidifier to keep my plants from drying out , which I will be getting one this Thursday.
I will also be getting LST clips so I can start getting light to my under growth.
When Should I start LST?
Are you planning on LST or HST with LST as in topping or fimming? I top autos once they’ve hit the 5th -6th node. Depending on the strain and they’re health at the time determines which node I cut back to. I use several training techniques each grow but I start manipulating the sides early, usually a landscaping pin pushed in beside them to spread them out. After topping a give them a few days to recover and start pinning the sides down as they grow. Regular LST the same except the main will need to be trained to grow horizontal until the sides are at the same height, this will give you an even canopy and light distribution
I was told it wasn’t good to top an auto because they have such a short life span.
If I were to top my Blue Dream when should I top it?
The newest leaves I think are the true leaves because I see (2) 7 point leaves at the top of my plant.
You’ll get bigger yields, topping will stop or for the most part the Apical Growth and out that energy into the side branches or below the topping which will help with creating multiple bud sites. Topped and LST the sides to spread them out for light penetration .
8 zips off this Sour Diesel Auto
Nice! So when should I top?
I couldn’t count the nodes from the pics, but the biggest girl looks super healthy, for you 1st one, I would grow to the 6th and cut her back to #5 . Here is some I’m training that’s starting the 1 at week of flower, the rest are photo clones.
Another one getting ready to flower from the last grow
I only have 1 plant growing, I was showing multiple pics of 1 plant.
So when you say nodes. Do you mean the growth between the main leaves and stem? Or do you mean bud sights?
Nodes will be new growth side branches off the main. Count up from the medium excluding the cotyledons