My risky 4 buck chuck grow (Future forest, or will it be dead wood?)

Having ~35 mg black walnut caramels with my coffee


I just use my bubble bag set. My grocery store sell dry ice at $3/lb. There are always small blocks, less than 5#, on the top to grab. I do it differently than shown, but you’ll get the idea.


Got some time yet, but they are coming. Do folks measure wet or dry to figure out yield?

Nest run I think I will defoliate the lower canopy to see what the impact or difference is.


Dry weight


Kinda curious to see how much I will get when it’s done! :blush:


@Puddlehead no matter what you get for final weight there’s nothing better than sampling the fruits of your labor versus Store bought or Street bought stuff.


Oh I totally agree! I plan on enjoying the fruit of my labour. Something less appealing about having to rip open a package or undo the lid on a plastic jar - anyone think those look pretty close to a can of skol?


Have you ever tried to qwet the fresh leaf trim?

Kinda curious if I could figure out a way to dunk the sugar leaves in an open jar, or do a quick tea bag type extraction. Worried about trying to dry the trim though. I always get mold when I do.


When I was in a pinch, I’d take the sugar leaf off growing plants and make jar ice hash while waiting on harvest.

You can QWET fresh sugar leaf like doing buds. Pre frozen jar, alcohol, plant matter. Do a short 20 min freezer soak, and don’t shake. You’d wanna decarb first for edibles.


How do you decarb? Does the source turbo decarb while it runs?


It does not decarb as it never gets above 100 degrees in a Source Turbo. You can decarb in an oven ahead of time or some like decarb appliances to control smell.


You can decarb the thc oil afterwards, I do believe


Do you decarb before or after?

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Pogue how much do you make into edibles? Got a favourite recipe?

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I am about as new as you are at the Source Turbo, LOL. So far, I have made a batch of cookies (Pecan Sandies) and a batch of caramels.

The question of dosing is up to you. A gram of concentrate will contain 750 mg of THC.
If your recipe yields 50 cookies, you need to decide how much THC per serving. We’ll say 30mg/cookie. You will need 30mg/cookie x 50 cookies = 1500 mg.
So, we need 1500 mg THC added to the recipe and we know that each gram of concentrate has 750 mg. Add 2 grams of concentrate to recipe.

@Caligurl has an excellent thread, I encourage you to check it out. She details the steps of obtaining the concentrate and also provides recipes, and links to other threads. She is, of course, an excellent resource as it is.
Concentrates Blog - About Marijuana - I Love Growing Marijuana Forum (

When determining doses, I like to consider who is going to consume the goodies. Be considerate, sneaking infused brownies sounds funny, but it ain’t!
Be careful around pets and small children. My dog ate a cookie and was semi-comatose for 18 hours. Dogs do not metabolize THC well. It was not an experience that I want to repeat!!!

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Yes, you can decarb the oil afterwards. Just put in oven same temp as flower decarb but watch closely and pull it out of the oven as soon as it stops bubbling.

I’ve been doing all of it non-decarbed so I can decide what to do with it afterwards. If the 1st run comes out really clean, I save that for dabs/vaping.

If I know for sure, that I just want to make edibles, I decarb before but that’s just me. Some say it tastes better for edibles to decarb after…


Yeah I am all about keeping the pups safe…… they re to tiny and trusting…

I don’t really pay to much attention to dose though, would never surprise anyone with a hidden treat - I figure if you get into the boat, you plan for the waves.:joy:

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Hmmm, might have to test a batch in each direction.


Will post some pics tomorrow, I have a fair amount of trikes forming on the fan leaves. Didn’t know that was a thing…

@Low hey saw some of your and calamities keif piles… how are you getting that? Care to share your method?

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Good morning puddlehead, we sift trim and buds with a trim bin. All the kief will collect at the bottom of the bin.