My home made dry box

Hi all…what you all think of my home made dry box…2 cardboard boxes…1 with a fan blowing air in and a box fixed on top with holes so the air from bottom fan blower equally and a computer fan on top of top box drawing air out…hopefully it won’t dry too quickly…but rather that than too slow and get mold!


Looks good. Throw a temp/RH sensor in there so you can check the read outs. Pick them up cheap at a Walmart

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I have one Bro so all good! :maple_leaf::fire::dash::sunglasses:

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Have anything in there drying? Curious to know some results

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Yeah I like it! If you take a drill and drill a bunch of holes through the top. Stuff the branches through and stick a pin through the branch. Also, turn the computer fan on the top of the box to blow out and drill a whack of holes around base of the box, that way you mive air evenly through the box.

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iv holes in the bottom of the box blowing air in from the first box…2 metal bars to tie my ladies to…and the computer fan drawing the air out…should I put more holes in the sides?? I cut a crap small cola off her a couple days ago…so had that in there for a test run…should be enough holes right?? :thinking::maple_leaf::fire::dash::sunglasses:

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This one is on its second season …
Last season I dried a really airy …probably pulled a tad too early setiva strain in three days in there …
Then a second plant much denser
Same result
Pictured here above just harvested and dried the entire plant in one piece in there …
3 days …lol
I think the fan being left on too much sucks too much moisture out too quickly…
Now this last plant probably could have used another day …but the top of the plant now upside down where it’s cooler and being bigger dried alone than the bottom now near the top of the box
I hung 2 govee wifi hydrometers one up and one down and the temp was always around 65 and the rh 62
So I think it’s just too much suction of air out of the box
I still have 2 photos to dry once they are ready and I’m going to hang as much of those whole as possible in there too …that was an auto called yeti wedding Samsquanch OG X Wedding cake home bred and sent to me by a friend on the forum here …
The buds are now curing at 62.4 in a grove bag for about 4 days now
I like the box but want to experiment with maybe allowing the fan to be off more to see if I can slow the dry down more
I also snapped a few branches somehow weeks before harvest and just burned one …it tastes like cake and strawberries and I’m completely lit
Nothing like your own grown in my opinion