Curious if you guys think this will work. A couple of my ladies are getting close and I don’t have the money to go fancy for a dry box at this point. What I’ve got is a plain cardboard box and some twine. I sewed the string thru the box and cut a hole at the bottom for a fan and one at the top for exhaust. Box will be in a bedroom with central air sitting at about 72ish. Will this get me thru? Humidity and temp should be fine. Fan for air flow to battle mold. Am I forgetting anything?
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This box has holes punched in the top and I use binder clips to hold the stems. Works great. I set them up in the enclosed room with my tent so the filter takes care of smell and the exhaust takes care of air movement. Just got a nice big box from a Costco delivery. Use it for larger / multi stems. I am thinking of another drying location. Have thermometer and hygrometer taking measurements now to see how it will work.
I think your plan will work fine ,or If you’re not concerned about the smell you could just cut the whole plant an hang upside down.
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I’m currently doing same thing kinda like @beardless. Here’s the link to mine.
@registereduser @kellydans @beardless
Thanks guys. I’m probably going to build a better version soon but I believe one of my ladies will be ready before my wallet is lol.