My Granddaddy Purple - First Time Grower

Is that a tent kit that you bought or did you rig it up yourself?


My tent is a 4X4. Three plants is a maximum especially if you train them. My tent is 80ā€ tall. Happy growing :blush::v:

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Beautiful grow!! :blush::v:

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Beautiful plants man. Awesome work.


I use a gorilla grow tent because when I was still illegal I wanted the infrared protection because my wife was freaking about every helicopter that flew over us.

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Yeah no doubt I donā€™t really train thatā€™s why I cram it like that. I top my plants and stuff but I donā€™t do lst. I do Kyle kushmans techniques tho


Thatā€™s pretty funny about the helicopters flying over. Iā€™m thinking next grow I will ratchet up the light intensity a bit when the plant starts to enter preflower. Thinking that might keep it from stretching quite so much.


I flip to 100 percent light once i go into flowering. Itā€™s all good man just stuff you learn along the way all you can do is try and do better on the next one.


Hello growmies! Time for a day 65 update. Plant has stretched massively in last two weeks. It now stands at 42"! Quite frankly Iā€™ve run out of overhead space in the tent which is an AC Infinity 2x2x72. Light is as high as I can get it. It is only 8" above the center cola. I think it is finally done stretching, thank the gods.

My main light source is a Mars Hydro TSW2000 that I can dim so I used my Apogee meter to dial in the PPFD so it ranges between 650 and 750 around the tent. I was a little concerned a few days ago while the plant was still stretching because the fan leaves coming out from each node with a developing bud had turned quite yellow. The whole leaf was yellow without any green veins. I checked my soil ph and found it to be at 6.0. This lead me to the conclusion that I might have a calcium deficiency due to it being locked out due to the low ph. I mixed up some Cal/Mag and adjusted the ph with some PhUp to get it to around 7. After two waterings with that solution the fan leaves are greener and also I can now see a lot of sugar leaves that are nice and green starting to poke out from each bud site.

Also I have 14 I guess they are colas surrounding the main cola that are darn near as tall it is. Is that usual or do I have a really nice grow on my hands?

All in all I think everything is coming along rather nicely, I figure Iā€™ve been in bud for about two weeks. After looking at the pictures Iā€™ve attached does anyone have a guess about when I might be harvesting?


It looks good. It sure did stretch a lot. So adding the calmag helped?

Are you feeding it any other nutes kinda looks hungry. Or maybe you need to up the water intake if your only watering a gallon.

Also Iā€™d say your 5 to 7 weeks away Iā€™d lean towards the 7 weeks tho I donā€™t know when you started flowering. You look about 2 weeks in.
Ask @OGIncognito

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Adding the CalMag looks like it is helping along with slowly bumping up the ph. Iā€™ve taken a Living Soil approach with my grow. The bottom 1/3 of the pot is occupied by a mixture of Natureā€™s Living Soil Autoflower Concentrate blended with SunGro Sunshine Advanced #4 potting soil. The top 2/3 of the pot is a 50/50 mix of FoxFarm Happy Frog soil and FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil. The pot is sitting on an AC Infinity Self Watering Fabric Pot Base.

The theory is that the top 2/3 of the pot feeds the plant until half way through vegging and then the bottom 1/3 takes over for the rest of the grow cycle. Supposed to only have to add water during the duration of the grow. However I strongly suspect that my plant grew so fast through the stretch that it couldnā€™t take in enough nutrients to keep the plant happy through the stretch. To deal with that I decided to apply a small amount of nutrients in the form of CalMag and FoxFarm Big Bloom in RO water with the solution ph adjusted to 7.0. I was trying to add a small amount of nutrients to and ph adjusted water to help with the plants nutrient needs during stretch and to bump up the soil ph a little higher to assure that calcium wasnā€™t being locked out.

So far I think what Iā€™ve done is working because the fan leaves in the portion of the plant that has stretched are looking better (greener) and the sugar leaves starting to poke out at each bud site are looking really nice and green.

By the way I know that I have roots growing into the Living Soil because yesterday I took the plant off the self watering base and there were tons of healthy white roots that came out of the bottom of the fabric pot and had grown into the cotton wicks that wick up the water from the water reservoir.

And yes I believe I have been in flower for two weeks now.

Thank you for you input it is very much appreciated!


Appreciate the tag Brother and would guestimate 7-9 weeks at least. @MinnesotaGrown nice looking lady. Keep the air flowing and RH under control in flower, any way you could drop one fan down low and have it blowing through mid canopy. I do a week 3 defoliation to help with air flow and light penetration :love_you_gesture:

Gelato week 3 before



Helicopters were used here every fall looking for the Devil weed, now that it legal LEO is retiring all pot sniffing K-9 and not spending money on fly overs, saving the state millions.


Iā€™m not familiar with fox farm nutes but I thought they had a trio that you use all three in combo together? White roots are a great sign!

@OGIncognito Np growmie! Your plants looking like itā€™s going to be some real fire!


Yes sir, Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom start to finish. Would recommend liberal run off as these FF nutrients are salt heavy :love_you_gesture:

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so if you only use one would it mess him up?
instead of all three together

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The Grow Big provides the nitrogen, Tiger Bloom for potassium and phosphorus and Big Boom has worm castings and bat guano for soil enrichmentā€¦for a lack of better words on the Big Bloom. Itā€™s been a long day in And out of airports :love_you_gesture: only thing I would add is calcium and magnesium to the recipe

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I can easily add or move a fan to mid canopy without any problem. As far as thinning out the canopy this is an autoflower will taking out a lot of the large lower fan leaves cause too much stress or at this stage is that not a concern?

I do have all three FoxFarm nutrients. So are you saying that they should all be combined into one watering?

I also just purchased the Jacks Part A/Part B for RO water. Would you suggest going with the Jackā€™s instead? Seems like it is very popular here on the forum.

Thank you everyone for your comments and support.


Fellow Minnesotan over here. Thatā€™s a mighty fine looking grow you got going on!!! Hoping mine will grow as well. Iā€™m about 9 days in. Got a ways to go but thatā€™s the fun!!! Good luck to you!!!

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Some great auto growers say not to defoliate, Iā€™ve been successful or lucky with defoliating autos and I grow and treat them the same as photo period plants. I would thin the middle out some :love_you_gesture: below is my most recent auto run

Auto Gelato week 3 defoliation
