I’m growing I coca coir perlite mix. This is 3 weeks. I’ve been using fox farms trio low feeding schedule. Lights 18/6. I just got a ph tester yesterday and ph was high about 8 so I lowered with the ph down. Reread ph meter this morning and it’s about 6.5. I’m wondering if this is actually do to the high ph or is it lacking something. My other two look fine!
Most likely as high ph locks out certain nutrients. You should check with some of the Coco guys here as I think the pH of Coco is supposed to be around 6 but I could be wrong as I’m a soil grower.
You need to be around 5.8 if growing in coco. Leaves do all kinds of funky stuff with high ph.
If you can get a picture in natural light and or grow lights off with a camera flash that would be super helpful.
And welcome to the community.
Thank you! I will check!
Yes pH. Problem @2GreenThumbs and @MrPeat get you convert
Welcome Yeah you want your feed to be 5.8 to 6.0. Coco is not as forgiving as soil so you need to be pretty much right with pH.
Someone just asked for hydro pH chart. Here are two. I like and follow the one from KootMed
this is from growweedeasy
I used fox farms trio in soil and always had to add calmag. With coco usually being buffered with calcium I don’t know if it will need to be supplemented with calmag. I expect it will. I use Jack’s and its Part B adds calcium.
Photos are best in natural light or flash. Grow lights throw off colors and contrast.
My first grow was WW autos. They got quite tall. Are you planning on using LST of some kind?
I started the LST last week and was moving it everyday until I started seeing these spots so it freaked me out and I quit.
5.8 - 6.5 coco 70% perlite 30% mix.
Safe zone.
Don’t add stress to already stressed plants they won’t handle it well at all maybe even start dying off. Until you resolve your issues causing stress on your leaves I wouldn’t mess with anything but maybe FEMing. Coco is nice to use but it’s unforgiving I prefer fox farms ocean floor on bottom half and top half happy frog to encourage root growth, and the ocean floor for when it reaches the bottom for all those yummy built in nutes. I actually didn’t need to use my nutrients from here for my first grow and the second only until mid veg before they depelted the soils already contained nutrients. I digress it’s nutrient lockout or light burn if you are getting any water on them with lights on, before they can dry before lights on that also could cause those spots.
Thank yall so much love the support this group gives!!!
We just a bunch of ol potheads who hate news, politics, and spend our time making peace love and Mary Jane. Peace