My Drying Method

Hi farmers. I figured id post whats been working well for me for drying my harvest. Since i like to keep my growing in one part of my house, i dont have much option to dry my harvest in a dark place. However, i made a box and used skewer sticks to hang. I wet trim and try to use the small branches of the stems as hooks. But when i have stems that dont have these hooks, i simply bend the stem since it ls wet enough to not break. In my environment this dries perfectly in 5 days with not a hint of mold with rh in the 50s. And the buds you see in the picture are super dense!

I just completed my first grow cycle for all my plants but id figure id put this out there if this helps anyone.


Simpson’s did it!.. no I’m just kidding but I did exactly this but I weave fishing monofilament line it does work but cut whole in bottom both side to blow fan through and put a towel onto for slow dry … put a hydrometer in there it can get out if hand if you dont pay attention


I did it when I harvested this plant and transported it to my house … well 3 plants this suze… and didnt wanna smoosh the buds

dont have a puc kf the boxes … I was banned for a year then

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Hahahaha im sure im not the only one im still new to growing but thats a good idea what you said. I always have hygrometers everywhere including in the box and it always stays in the 50s. But adding a fan is definitely a good idea. Airflow is very important.


I also do this… weave a corset of fishing line up a corner of a room and hang the buds like a curtain and do the same thing blow a fan in the corner and it travels up the tunnel of weed… works great

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