Monk's first try

No need to PH your water until you’re ready to use it. If you’re storing them, the ph is going to change even after a few hours in storage.


Adjusting ph will be hassle in distilled. When i use distilled i have just used it as is or with a drop or two of peroxide. If you use tap or bottled look for a ph somewhere between 6 and 7. If not, adjust to somewhere in there.


thanks for the heads up @BobbyDigital i will just fill the jugs then


6.4-7.2 is what u want,
7’ish is good for peat pellets, they r acidic anyway and may draw the pH down.!
i shoot for 6.8 and happy with 6.6-7.0, no need for all the extra pH down.!
try to use your well water, a good analysis of it would not hurt, if u can afford it,
if things go south u might have to start buying water, but until then your well may work.


I use my well water and have no problems with it. You get a few extra minerals also


Now that is something i didn’t expect. when i put my 5 seeds into the cup they all floated and as i remembered that was good. they have been in water for 6 or 7 hours now and i went to check them and two were on the bottom of the glass and the other three were floating. water temp is 74f ph is 7.9


checked my seeds this morning. still three floating and two at bottom of glass. when i checked the ph and temp this morning i knocked three who were floating and two that were floating joined their two buddies at bottom of glass. I had noticed that our drinking glasses have a bit of film on them, the plastic ones especially. I now think that is from the alkaline from our water. i should probably do something about that but it explains why the ph went from 7.9 last night to 8.4 this morning (their was some white stuff on glass last night, it’s gone now LOL). temp was still 74f

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I use well water also, pH comes out at 7.4 ppm is 280. I bring it down to 6.0 pH and go with it. Take a look at my plants at 4weeks old. Btw water comes straight out the ground no filter.

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I just finished a convo with my support group at the treehouse. I am being a worry-wart over nothing. I am not going to be messing with ph of the water that i put in my plants. Their “super grow” soil that they have concocted and sell is buffered enough that it will handle my 7.9 well water without any problems according to them. I also posted earlier on this journal that they said i don’t need a ppm meter as i won’t be adding nute to the soil until it gets into flowering. I just love these guys and Amanda… she’s a little cutie and too bad she’s taken LOL. i just need the distilled water to fluff up the peat pellets to put the germinating seed in.


@monkman I’m watching and rooting for you Brother…
Better to have too much information than not enough…
I think you will do great! :+1::+1::+1:

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LOL thanks a bunch @CJ8380 u know i resemble that remark “watching and rooting” for u too. us newbs have to stick together and support our cause lol. won’t be long and we will be thisthumbs%20up


checked this morning and i have 4 of 5 seeds with little white tails sticking out their butts. at this moment i am trying, with lesser results than i would hope, to get the peat pellets to swell up. i microwaved the water a bit to heat it up. those pellets were hard as a rock so i’m not surprised that it is taking them a while to loosen up and grow up.

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I was wrong, i had three of five seeds with little tails on them, one seed was still at bottom of glass and one seed was still floating on top. i added another seed to the glass and took out the four seeds that were at bottom of glass and planted them in the peat pellet even though one of them didn’t have a tail yet. i have five peat pellets and am hoping that i will fill the last pellet up tomorrow. i was planning on having 4 plants this first grow, but if it is only three i will be happy. i have seen other’s comments in forums saying that it is best for first time growers to just grow one or two plants so if i don’t do four i won’t care that much, i’ll just want the plants i do grow to make up for their missing buddy.


Have been checking my jiffy dome and no site of green on top of plugs yet. is starting 3rd day. i have 3 plugs with seeds that had barely a tail on them when i planted, one plug with whole seed in. i have another two seeds still in water but neither have popped a tail yet, i have one more plug available to put a seed in. i checked temp today with my ph/temp gauge and it was 75 degrees F and there is still little drops of water on floor of dome so it still has humidity in it. i felt and looked at the tops of the plugs and they are still dark and a little dampish. i am not concerned yet as i was reading thru grow journals last night and i think a post by @SlowOldGuy said that white widow are a little slow germinating so another day of twiddling thumbs, all 7 of them LOL.


added 5th seed to jiffy dome today. finally got the last seed to bust open. again planted with just barely a tail showing, this time i didn’t get it so far down into the pellet, only about a 1/4 inch.

Also talked to me treehouse buddies and have them getting me a 0 to 250x digital microscope for taking pics thank you @BobbyDigital


yaaaahooooo… first green showing on peat pellet, the fun starts.


Mark the date down somewhere, you’ll need to remember it for tracking your grow :wink:

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@Demar i am old and decrepit lol that is why i’m doing a grow journal… i know i won’t keep my notes up lol


two more pellets had green showing this morning … the first one up is about three quarters of an inch tall and is yellow. I took them to a south facing window (we have blizzard out there today so not much sun) and put a couple of LED reading lights on the dome. also left open the dome so it isn’t sealed. The two that don’t have green will just have to catch up or they will be left behind. I stole mom’s reading light, i bought if for her but now she doesn’t read because of macular degenerative disease it has 5 led lights on it i think 75 watts but they aren’t grow lights and i’m just using two to help with the south facing window. speaking of which… time to go shovel the walk :roll_eyes:


Best of luck to you,keep me posted I’ll be watching

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