I will be using sunsystems 315 for veg and sunsystems 630 for flowering, both LEC. two secret jardin 4x4 tents, The Treehouse supersoil, and exhaust fans in both tents. i have a couple 16 inch fans inside for more movement of air in tent. These are in a friends basement three miles away so the germ/seedling stage will be a pain.
i will be putting the three cracked LSD into solo cups today
here is my new journal @AAA @Mote @Midwestnewbie @BobbyDigital @Gremmall
Would you be able to do the germ/seedling stage at your place and move them over after?
Set to watching monk good luck
Cool Man! thanks for the tag monkman & best of luck w this latest grow
Thanks for the tag set to watch.
I’ll be watching @monkman
i might have been able to work something out but i would be fighting dry issues without the tent so i am going to do it at friends house.
@kw_Bat here is my new one
put LSD into distilled water 3 days ago and planted the three seeds into their own clear solo cup with holes around the bottom today. this time i only put 2/3 full with about a half inch of supersoil in bottom. i used mother earth’s peat soil for the fill. got my veg tent back up and running also, it had about a month off but it will be going full time for quite a while i think.
also, i am sticking to the 6 hours on 2 hours off and repeat. this seems to work great for me.
welcome @Kenken enjoy!
@monkman I’ve been following your jarnol scents u started one i just don’t say much
I’m watching you dude
lol welcome @elheffe702!
Hey man, `preciate the tag, I am watching!
Did you have to move your grow, or just expanding?
I’m going to come along for the ride, if you don’t mind.
welcome to my journal @repins12 any and all are invited.