Monk's third: three LSD and three banana kush

I will be using sunsystems 315 for veg and sunsystems 630 for flowering, both LEC. two secret jardin 4x4 tents, The Treehouse supersoil, and exhaust fans in both tents. i have a couple 16 inch fans inside for more movement of air in tent. These are in a friends basement three miles away so the germ/seedling stage will be a pain.


three LSD seeds were dropped into a solo cup with distilled water last night 10/17/19


Good luck with this grow. :+1:


Good luck :four_leaf_clover: buddy you’re on a roll with all these nice harvest. Pretty soon treehouse is gonna be asking you for advice! Set to watching this one as well!


thanks @MrPeat. welcome to my journal. one of my goals this time around is to keep the plant healthier during flowering. i have been pretty lucky so far during germ/seedling and veg stages. i just need to work out how to get thru flowering better. i have yet to have to trim sun leaves as the plants have not had any left after 3/4 of flowering.

thanks @Midwestnewbie welcome bud, i have been lucky to get the harvest that i have so far. i am hoping my luck holds and i can get better at flowering this time. but i am not unhappy at all with the output. 4 ozs and 3 and 3/4 ozs from the last two plants. good smoke on the first, jury still out on the second plant as it is still curing. i have two more blue dreams in darkness due for chop saturday. they are a lot more fragrant than the first two i chopped. i don’t think i will get 4 out of each of those but i might, they are really heavy buds.


If you use Fox Farm Nutrients they will get better. I have this one and I know there is better but I like my FF results.

The instructions are easy. Beginning, Middle and Final. It’s both the liquid and powder so it’s a double whammy.


Thanks for sharing and good luck with your grow.


Good luck w the new grow monkman. Looking forward to seeing that banana kush, that should be a fun one :+1:


Awesome @monkman! You got this thing down. Are you still buying or have your reached our goal?


Is that a @Mote sighting sup bro come see what I’ve been up to


thanks to @kellydans and @Mote, i appreciate your visits.

@MrPeat i use super soil. i don’t think you were around for my first grow, but i used nutes on them when they didn’t ask for it and basically killed 4 plants. i buy supersoil for use in my grows and it is a good one. the only reason i had to add nutes on the last grow was that it was the blue dream strain which is a hog on nitrogen. i didn’t add it until it was late, but i don’t foresee use of much nutes on this grow. if i use any nutes in this grow it won’t be until flowering and when i do i will be using terp tea

thanks for the confidence @AAA, and no, i am still buying, but only one this month. i don’t think i will have to buy again for a while as i have 3 and a half ozs of candy kush curing and looking to be strong of buzz and two blue dream that i will be chopping and hanging tomorrow. that should keep me thru christmas. i have 3 more blue dream about 3 weeks from chop. hopefully that will be enough to carry me over until this group is harvested. it is hard for me to get a grasp of how much i’m going to get from each blue dream as there is less buds, but they are a lot heavier than the candy or purple pinecone. i will know better in ten days or so when the two blue dreams are put into bell jars.


Looks like you got it all in one sack my friend, looking forward to watching!


Cool man good to see u not skipping a beat

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What up dude, how have you been? Good to see you.
Tag me into your New thread (or your most recently active one) when you get a chance :v: brother

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welcome @Holmes, i am hoping this to be my best so far. and i am still hoping to learn more about growing, there is always more to learn.


I’m using the exact same set of nutrients. I’m only on my second grow, but feeling very confident about my results.

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checked the seeds today and they hadn’t cracked yet but i am pretty sure i will see pot tail tomorrow when i check.

i will be putting about a half inch of super soil in the bottom of the solo cups with lots of holes in bottom of clear solo cup. i will add enough of mother earth’s peat soil to fill the solo cup to 3/4 full this time. i am putting less peat soil in this time to try to get the transfer to 3 gallon pot to happen sooner than last couple of times. with the peat soil up to about a 1/4 to 1/2 an inch below cup top it was taking a month to get the cup to a place where it was ready for trans-plant. i am hoping that filling only 3/4 full i will knock a week off that. i would like to re-pot at 3 weeks instead of 4. the germ/seedlings stage has been a constant 19 days in each of my starts of plants (12 tries all 19 days germ/seed)

Man last night I swear on my everything I put 2 caps of h2o2 and 2 drops of super thrive as an experiment in a cup witha sealed lid ( dispensery bud jar opaque white) that mixture popped the seeds in less then 24 hours I did ok at 7 PM last night and by 12 noon today they were all 7 seeds wide open

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lol i’m at my buddies house for growing now and he didn’t have any hydrogen peroxide either so i just went with the distilled water. it takes two days, typically, to get them to pop, i wait another day to get the tails out a little bit more, then put them into solo cups. within a day or two they will have popped up out of the soil. lots use h2o2 but i haven’t had it available when needed yet, but am doing fine with it as is. i really like the “thrive” experiment!

It’s right up the seed starting alley I was reaching for the peroxide :rofl::rofl:and I knocked over a bottle of s super thrice I had obviously misplaced and didn’t know it w as there lol but 2 drops to a quarter cup 2 caps h202

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