Youre welcome This helps less messy and helps get the right speed if youre too impatient to water slowly. I set it beside the plant and fill it. Minutes later I do it on the other side. I see you have less room Im just trying to emphasize slow watering again lol
Very interesting! I may do that. Last time she had a gallon.
Yeah in my apartment not much room to grow so I’m using half a closet. lol. When I water her I take her into the bath and put her on top of a steady stool with a kitchen cooling rack on top and pop her on top of that so that water can drain and no mess. I can do similar to the cup. I can set aside a bit of time to make sure slow water.
Yes, autos flower on their own timeline. Sorry i cant ever remember all the specs on your plant, i read too many threads. Great advice from @Jaysittinback.
Ok so I gave her a gallon. Slowly. No run off that I can take. Just a little seeping. I do not have any more distilled. I do have a gallon of tap water that has been out overnight for my other plants. Should I leave as she is or give her the additional gallon? @Jaysittinback@PhatPat
As long as you did just water or feed and the soil is still wet, i would give her enough to get 20% runoff that way you can stay current on your numbers, ie ppms.
I dont think that theres the right way to finish the runoff. But I would knowing what my tapwater is and considering that with my runoff.
If tap is 100ppm for example it wont change much. If your tap is 400ppm its not as good.
But if it looks healthy today just let her ride and prepare for next watering