Thats what you need. Catch some runoff next time and go from there.
The most recommended one to get from other members on here is the pH meters made by blue labs or the Apera 20 or 60 model.
ok treat me like im stupid….i tested my tap water and it’s 230. When i check runoff - how do I know what to add from the nutes I have - sorry if I sound stupid…I am ha!
You think I should buy different nutes? I am much better being told what to do lol. I am afraid to kill this little fucker!
No, those nutrients are good, i just dont know anything about them. Lets see if @OGIncognito can give us a lead.
When testing your runoff: if youre reading 210 ppms from your tap then adding ~800 ppms of nutrients will be a good start. That will put you right at ~1000. Upon reading your runoff, you get a reading of less than ~850 ppms, you know for the NEXT time what to feed or just water. Remember to record this number so youll have it come 3-4 days later.
Got it - so when I water tomorrow or Wednesday record the runoff then will know from there what to add?
Yep! Sounds like you got it. Happy growing! Keep me posted.
Thanks for the tag @PhatPat. Lozzie mix a gallon of the Bergmans at full strength and use your TDS Pen to test the PPMs of the mixed solution and feed next round to liberal run off. Follow a drench to drought routine allowing the plant medium to hit the dry spell. On the drench make sure to get at least 20-30% run off and test the PH and PPMs, anything over 1200ish is a water feed on the next round. 800-1200 is a good target range for for your input and run off. Adjust the PH if needed on feed or water days from the previous run off testing
I’m due to water tomorrow. Do I just water to test it or do I do as you suggest here? Last water was Friday 19th. I feel the pot she could be a bit heavy still
Awesome. Now you can proceed to pull her back down opposite as you had her before. May take a time or two to get her vertical but a little at a time.
Your soil should have enough nutes to get you through another week. I don’t see any signs of her being hungry yet. Be sure to pH your input water. Have you already watered enough to get runoff. If so, what were your ppms and pH? If not, that’s ok too. Water her enough for a good drink and let her get a little bigger. Going into week 5, so should be here soon you’ll need to observe your runoff ppms. Once they dip below ~1000, it will be time to slowly introduce some nutes.
Ok I don’t know if this is wrong. Water number before after having tsp water sit 24 hours. 253. Run off on glass jar 222.
That sounds not right. Right?
What was the tds reading going into the pot? 222 runoff could be right and if so, its time to feed.
I see it now, 253…
I can’t scroll up. I think it was 253. She’s soaked. Feed next time? Or today? I’m back home at 6pm. It’s 9.45 now
Yep, if its going to be ~8 hours before you get back to her, id wait till she dries out again. Now you got a start though. You know next time you can feed her about 800 nutes or so then record the runoff from that feeding and keep her going. Training looks good too!
Remember to pH water after mixing nutes and if you add cal/mag it goes into the water first before mixing your nutes to it.
Ok so I have about 4 days to figure out how to do what you just advised lol.
I’ll try to figure out. Do I give her grow fertilizer or flowering or boost. How the heck do I figure how to get to 1000. And how do I ph the water. Good lawd. lol.
I know I’m a pain in the arse. But I’m boring everything you say and learning. I am growing in my closet. It only really has room for one fully grown plant. I am starting another seed next week. My thought is if I time it to start next week. At 6 weeks will be the same size as the one there. She’s 6 weeks on Sunday. So so won’t go outside the pot. When new reaches 6 weeks the current one should be well out of there by then. I do have room for another pot. Just not enough room for two fully grown plants so I’ve figured I’ll stagger them and I’ll try this next one at 6 weeks. Why am I saying this? lol so you’ll know that I’m recording and learning so I can apply everything you’re advising to each future plant I grow so I don’t have to keep asking. I figure if I’m babied through one I’ve got it from there.
Isn’t she purdy🙃
Yes she is! ok refresh me cause i talk to so many people, and easier than trying to look back. Again, your soil and nutes youre using? Usually with your nute line, their is a recommended feeding schedule to follow. They have figured out how much of everything to give, so if you just mix up their recommendation it will land you really close with your ppm number. Now, for the pH… you should be testing what it comes from the tap. It should be somewhere around 7.0 but may be a little higher. Do you have a pH meter tester? Apera 20 or 60 can be purchased from Amazon. Blue labs is another highly recommended one everyone uses. Once you have mixed your nutrients into your 1 gallon jug, test your ppms AND your pH. If it reads say 7.2, then you should add some pH down to it, retest it, repeat until you reach between 6.5-6.8. Do you have the General Hydroponics pH up and down solution also found on Amazon? Ill wait for you to answer these questions before we move forward. Oh, last question…auto or photo?