Remember Ultra Man? It was a series on TV.
Lost in Space was another one. Star Trek was the best though. Every night at 5 o’clock.
Oh well, old times…
I increased the PPFD to 900 average at the highest point. Going on week 2 since flip. They should start transioning in about 5 days so i want them accustomed to the higher PAR. Last time i ran 700 ppfd through the 2 week period before transition and ended up with stunted buttons. Not this time!
I have been silently following along but when you said Chilly Billy Cardille , I said he must be in the Burgh . I lived a few miles up river from Pittsburgh. I left in 83 ( job crash) but go back pretty often. I have PBB photos growing now too. Yours look great .
Awsome. I guess that makes us homeys…
Hahahaha . Yeah, 83 i was tripping on acid and smoking red haired sensi buds. You never see that stuff around anymore but thats all we smoked back then except the occasional Lambs Breath and Afghani bud. Mowie Wowie and Kona (coma) bud.
But the acid was really good back then in my area of Pittsburgh well, a boro closer to Westmoreland county. Small 1 horse town. If you fart and the wind blows the wrong direction everyone will know and talk about it for years. LOL
But, the PBB has me really interested. I hear its a really good smoke.
The plants look amazing! You got some serious knuckles on them girls. The canopy couldn’t be any more even.
Y’all got me tripping on the classic movies. We had the Late 8 show and Shock Theater (hosted by local Bill Bowman who appeared as The Bowman Body and just recently passed. )
My cuz and I got in trouble all the time for sneaking back up to watch them. I miss those days.
I gave them all a haircut today. I lollipopped them all the way up to the 3rd node. I know i loose alot of bud stacking but i still get pretty big colas to make up for that. I just need to keep them watered this time. I think its more important in flower to water them more often. Even before the pots get light.
@Spudgunner @Growdoc @Covertgrower
I have 2 plants raising their pH. I have one at 6.3 pH 1600 ppm and one at 6.2 pH 1650 ppm. They look fine but should i flush them down a little or just wait until next water/feed to go in at a lower pH?
Yeah. They put them shows on late at night so the kids would be sleeping. But in retrospect, i seriously doubt it was Godzilla movies messing with kids minds. Look at them now. If that caused a child an emotional scar then what else would cause it. They are so cheey nowdays. I can see it now going to an emotional support group and hearing somebody say they have a drug problem because they’re parents made them watch Godzilla movies when they were young.
Let them chug along, 6.3 isn’t too high. My Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect line mixes and settles around 6.5 and my plants love that.
Depends on how hard your tap water is. If it’s extremely hard, it’ll take awhile to see a change.
I agree with Spudgunner, I aim for 6.0-6.5. I prefer the lower ph, it seems in my experience the plants usually have better uptake in my opinion. I’m sure there are exceptions.
@Spudgunner @Covertgrower ok, they look fine. The one at 6.3 pH is a lighter shade of green than the others. I am in ProMix. I know the higher pH alows more potassium and phosphorus and calcium and thats needed in flower. I just need to keep a close eye on it. Thank you.
Promix will climb on you using Jacks towards flower, remember, I had the same thing and started seeing spots when they hit 6.4. I run mine at 5.8-6.1, try to stay at 5.9-6.0, but that’s tight. I found mine were climbing from them eating the Calcium Nitrate in Jacks as nitrate nitrogen will cause ph to climb. I usually ph my feeds at 5.8 or even 5.5 if they start climbing to counter it. I ended up putting some sulfur on them last time and it eased right back down, sulfur helps them in flower to build trichs and smells. You can switch out the nitrate for ammonical or urea nitrogen for a few feeds , those droop oh as they are eaten by plants, but you’ll have to add some calcium back. The easiest way is to water to double runoff from normal and that helps semi reset media each feeding.
Also @Covertgrower had a good point, bicarbonate in your tap water will build up in media, raising ph. I’m lucky to have well water at 38 ppm, it was a bit lower, but since we had heavy rains, it’s went up a tad. I also catch and use rainwater in a barrel system.
What kind of sulphur? What did you use?
I have some Aluminum Sulphate.
Do i need about a ¼ cup of aluminum Sulphate per gallon? @Growdoc How much sulphur for a 5 gallon pot at 6.3 pH
My tap water is 8.1 pH 180 ppm.
I use a liquid sulfur, about a tsp per gallon a couple times throughout grow.
I just hit it with 2 tablespoons sctrarched in then watered in a gallon of 5.5 pHed tap water w/capfull of calmag.
The pH dropped to 5.8 on the runoff but in the soil its 4.4 pH with the Blulab soil probe.
Should i be worried?
I scratched in some Aluminum Sulphate to drop the pH but i think it dropped too far. The runoff reads 5.8 now but i took my BluLab pH soil probe to 3 different locations around the rootball and its reading 4.4 average! Should i be worried? The plant looks fine and actually grew more overnight. Should i water in some Dolomite Lime? Is it ok to water a plant 3 days in a row? It seems a bit excessive to me.
If the plants look fine, and there’s nothing that looks out of sorts, let it ride.
Always check run off. Layers of the soil can have different ph, especially if you made a change.
I know I’ve watered multiple days in a row, it shouldn’t hurt anything.
This is a good range. I wouldn’t try and drop it any lower though.
As a general rule, I don’t check the ph in the medium, and MAY check run off if I see an issue related to PH. Otherwise I’m hands off, as long as it looks fine, and well nourished. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke.