Main-Lining Recommendation

@MeEasy @Arrow have you ever tried mainlining autos? I’m thinking about trying it on my next grow. I’m thinking that timing will have a lot to do with the success.

I’m not big on autos so don’t know much about them but I have heard that they won’t have time to recover from manifold.

I have never grown an auto…I will do one soon …I will do the no training technique…:sunglasses::v:

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@Arrow I looked for something on ILGM but couldn’t find anything. I can’t find where to search for stuff on their site. I found this article though maybe it will help you out before you get started. I don’t like not having control over when a plant starts to flower is what has kept me away from autos.

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Hi again @Arrow @Turbonelson @AxisCat I just wanted to stop back by and share (show off) some pics of two OG plants that I harvested yesterday. Both of these were manifolds with 8 tops.


Nice…very very nice…:ok_hand::sunglasses::v:

Looks like a nice harvest. Very nice :+1:

Thank you @Turbonelson I cut the short fat girl this morning here’s a couple pics of her… Jack frost

Here’s my first attempt at mainlining.


@Turbonelson now those plants have some NUTS lol all jokes aside they look great, keep em flat like that and they will start to turn up towards the light and be separated from each other perfectly :+1: pretty work 4sure

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I always thought you had to have a pair to cut up a perfectly good plant, well in my case three pair. :rofl: I’m trying to keep it tied down so it might not out grow my grow box.

Hello again @Arrow, @Turbonelson and @MeEasy. It is hard to believe 4 weeks have already past since I started this post. I have learned lots of great tips from all of you and I am envious of your fabulous results!

I flipped my light schedule to 12/12 about a week ago and the past few days have been enjoying watching the stretch. They are about 20" tall now and very healthy! Out of my 16 mains most are close to the same height; have maybe 4 total that are lagging behind a couple inches.

This picture is from 10 days ago before the light flip. Interesting my smallest gal was a good 3-4" shorter than my middle one. Now she has completely caught up with the other two. The next several weeks are going to be very fun!


Wow they look great and filled up your circle of green cog instead of sog lol… only tip I have is put something under the shorter plants to make em as tall to get em the same distance from light. Unless that’s the one you said caught up of course

Very nice and healthy…keep it green…:ok_hand::sunglasses::v:

@MeEasy, I’ve got more growth on one side of my manifold, do you think I should supercrop the larger side to let the other side catch up?

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@Turbonelson that how I do it to slow em down, just twist the stem between your thumb and forefinger kinda like rolling a joint roll it back and forth until it gets soft as long as you don’t break the skin your good. You can just bend a little and slow it or a lot (like kink a hose to stop the water) of course you’re going to have to try it out and get your timing down there’s no exact science that I know of. Plus it’s hard as hell to do it the first few times because you think you’re gonna kill your baby lol

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Tried to find a pic of some branches upside down bent in two but only found some that already recovered @Turbonelson

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@MeEasy thanks for that, I’m going to try it when the lights come on :+1:

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I don’t know a while lot on mainlining but I do watch Rows Of Green on YouTube his entire channel is dedicated to mainlining for colas id recommend checking him out he has good content and information as well as step by step type of stuff

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I’ve watched some of his videos took a little from there nugbuckets, canuck another guy on YouTube and Nebulahaze and have made my own way that I Y my manifolds instead of a T to keep em more high n tight so they’ll fit in the 14" saucer footprint I use. Now I moved from my closet into a tent and I’m starting not over because I have a plan but anyone who has ever made a plan knows what will probably happen