Low’s Grow pt 2 (closed)

@Bracketh @Bunger64 thats crazy i wonder when they started that and why


Mine was in January 22 i had a streak of bad luck they sent replacements but asked to try the rest and let them.know first.


My 1st purchase was a mix pack with Green Crack out of the 5 beans only 1 popped they gave me a cupon code for a free pack then again on another pack that didnt germ they gave me another cupon code for a heavily discounted purchase i also wonder where ILGM actually sources all of there genetics from as well sense they dont disclose that info at all


I got a coupon for replacements a couple months ago. I just filled out the slip online and got an email with a coupon code. The first time, they just sent seeds. No questions. Didn’t even ask if info was the same, just got a reply that a 5pk was on the way.


Makes me wonder if the had a issue with germ rates at one point with some strains


Just saw the cross, looks and sounds promising. Cinnamon terps supposedly? Sounds like a good one. Bizarre ilgm asked you to germ them all. Lol. What are you supposed to do with the ones that pop? All just to replace the ones that might not? Weird.


It’s only to know how many they will have to replace and to save on shipping, imo… :nerd_face:


Makes sense in the long run! Just sounded like “germ them all now and we will replace what doesn’t pop.” Lol.


Left the job early today. Heatstroke or something similar… hard to drink, nausea, vomiting, heart racing, severe dizziness… still feeling terrible. couldn’t even clean up or pack my tools. Driving was a trip. Vision was so impaired… very drunk vision…


Back in the day they would give us salt pills when we got to work. Not so good for our heart.
Drink plenty of water and take a cool shower but not cold.
Take care of yourself Low. You are a valuable asset to us.
Be safe


Brother hope you made it home safely and you gonna have to buy the doctor up and see what the eff is causing that!!!


Correct amundo budro. I had to deal with them last year for my GG4 autos on the same problem. They told me they just wanted to make sure the rest of them germ before they sent the replacement pack


Glad ya made it home bro especially when you drive about a hour or better to and from definitely sounds like heat exhaustion borderline heat stroke take a couple chugs of pickle juice and drink plenty of water but room temp not cold dont want to shock your body


I told them I couldn’t, and they responded with it’s okay if it takes a year or more. I just feel wasteful if I germ them all and the ones that do pop I have to trash.

So either way I’m getting the replacements

Definitely drink plenty of water, it’s also easier for your body to process room temp water compared to ice cold.


Man, take care of yourself in this heat. That happened to me a few years back. You might feel pretty sxxxty for a couple days. 2 waters for every Gatorade. Room temp shower or bath if standing still is a bxxxx. And just relax brother.


I appreciate all the kind words and advice shared. I’ve had this happen a few times over the years, the older I get the more it seems to happen. I never heard of using pickle juice! My youngest drank it all yesterday. Lol. I used to get second degree burns from sun exposure before I’d have this happen. I’ve gotten burned that bad maybe 4 times. Skin cracks everywhere and oozes puss. Pretty bad experiences. Happened a couple times while working on a produce farm. We used black tarps for weed control 10-12 hours a day with direct exposure. On those tarps temps were around 120-140.


The body can only handle so much brother and even more so the older we get lol but yes pickle juice contains alot of sodium it will help to replenish the electrolytes then followed up with some water i use pickle juice shots when id get heat cramps and dehydrated works fast and well i love pickles/juice lol


I love pickle juice also! That’s f__king awesome. I will keep that in mind going forward. My favorite pickles are claussen. Rarely buy em cuz the kids love pickles too so they don’t last long. Oooh or the single pickles from the gas station. Love the spicy and garlic ones.


I have some family up north i get my pickles from they are amazing and they have a nice touch of heat as well and yeah buddy i love the gas station pickles :yum: lol


I just ordered the Jealousy and Mimosa the other day and these new strains weren’t on the site yet, so they must have just added them within the last couple weeks at most