Finished gathering most of my gear and finally cracked two GSCXtrm seeds from ILGM and still needs a lot of fine tuning but I have living sprouts for the moment at 3 days from putting them in the germination tray.
Got a 2x3x5 vsun tent, 4" ac infinity fan, hlg 135 rspec light, small honeywell fan on low for circulation. Getting the environment dialed in is not happening so far. Temp was about 80F but the rh was 47%. Added a humidifier and got it to 60% rh but the temp went up to 84F. Not using the exhaust fan yet since it pulled all the humidity out even on low. Not exactly ideal but I’m hoping the dome gets it close enough to 70% where it counts.
Thanks @dbrn32! I was worried about the color of the one with its first true leaves and the other not opening up yet. Dry house and a vicks vaporizer is the best I have at the moment lol but it maintained 70% rh during the 6 hours off. Low temp was 77F though.
Thanks everyone. Well it’s looking like one of them is not doing so good and maybe even a goner. I don’t know maybe I’m just having beginners anxiety but here they are.
Oh well I guess I’m down to 1. The casualty wasn’t able to shed the hull on its own so I decided to take a risk after a few days and remove the shell. Crackin 2 more so the survivor won’t get lonely.
1 week and 1 day, 1 live and 1 dead. The runt didn’t make it but this one looks healthy to my very untrained eye. The dome cover of this brand of germinating tray has a “clever” adjustable vent hole wheel that unfortunately creates enough shade below it to cause the plant to grow sideways toward the light. I decided to pile up a little extra perlite to add support for now. I noticed the stem was a little bit narrower near the base and was wondering if that’s a sign of trouble. It is easier to see in the previous post 2 days ago.
Made some improvements to my germination soil for the new sprouts. I got impatient waiting for perlite to arrive when I did the first two and just used the happy frog as is. It was still pretty wet after two days of pre wetting and allowing to dry so about 1/3 perlite to 2/3 HF with a pinch of OF mixed in this go round and just dampened the soil with spray bottle mist and till aerated the top 3/4 with a toothpick before I planted. Thanks for the likes @Newt
These two are 4 days old and again I have one that is a little slower to shed the seed hull. Just going to leave it alone for now and not worry too much.
Transplanted my two week old today. Roots were showing all over the bottom of the starting tray to let me know it was time! Looked at pictures of other GSCXtrm auto grows and observed similar darker shades randomly on some of the leaves so I’m hoping it’s normal for the strain. The second batch is 8 days behind her and looking good so far.
The biggest one here just turned three weeks old yesterday and I really have no idea if there’s an issue with it or not. The growth is lopsided and weird looking but otherwise seems to be growing at a good steady rate.
I did research and think that I had my light a little bit too bright. Node spacing seems a little tight too so I think I’m already on the right track. Dialed it back and watching.
Hello @Newt and @PharmerBob. The first pic is my zero cost twist tie LST job I did on the 5 week old. All the primary bud sites are opened up to the light. Next shot is just the full view of all 3. Pictures 3 and 4 are comparison shots of the “not so twin” four week olds. Although all conditions for the two have been exactly the same, one is stretched and skinny while the other is compact and bushy. The only difference was the tall one had the shell stuck and it is the one I chose for the FIM attempt. And yes, I missed. Just going to leave it alone and let it grow. Thanks for tuning in!