Low’s Grow pt 2 (closed)

Ain’t that the truth most have no pride in ther ethics if your gonna do it do it take pride in you work, electrical looks like commercial work almost


Yeah they were going for the industrial look :person_facepalming:. I tell my helper all the time don’t do it unless you’re proud enough to put your name on it.


nvm im just tripping, dont mine me

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I was lucky enough to get some blueberry from @MadamCalamity

I haven’t even tried my own blueberry yet but hers is straight candy.

You all know I have a very low tolerance to bud and all the negatives hit me before the good stuff. I am trying with vaping, dabs, and straight flower.

This was part of my journey here. Growing again to replace alcohol. Most if not all of you may know I’m a long term functioning alcoholic. My journal here is mainly for chasing an alternative, after 20-30 some strains I didn’t think it would happen.

Normally I’m limited to a hit before I’m negatively effected. I smoked an entire bowl of this candy/jolly rancher tasting/smelling stuff. Was ripped. Super impressed and brought me back to my stoner days. I did this last night and was able to relate to my kids in such a way I felt bad for not seeing those traits sooner. It changed my perspective on their behavior… made me feel terrible but opened my mind at the same time. Over the top happy and giggly, and involved. No irritation, no paranoia… got to bond with my oldest like i never have before.

Sweet, candy, fruity. Def one of my favorites as of now.

Thanks @MadamCalamity


That’s great news! Happy to hear that :blush: :grinning: :partying_face:


:pray: I’m a firm believer in the power of the flower but I was on the verge of forgetting the goal. Completely took me off guard. I try everything I’m able to. Right now- this is the one. N it was something I didn’t even grow. Kind of lights the fire again.


Nice I’m glad you got to enjoy some smoke again even better vibeing with the fam gotta get you some beans keep it around


Absolute buddy. Can’t wait to try the pheno I ran. :pray: never would have expected blueberry.


Freaking awesome man! I love hearing that. Glad you found that “it” factor with cannabis. That’s one of the reasons I grow… to find that ultimate strain that lights up your sh*t. Enjoy brother :call_me_hand:t3:

Props @MadamCalamity :muscle::sunglasses:


welp, im gettin blueberry seeds. that’s all there is to that, u sold me


It’s definitely worth looking into IMO. @MattyBear def was not expecting it to be like that. :pray:



Well brother I read through and have a lump in my throat knowing the feeling of connecting and realizing it was there all along just not the right chemistry. When you mentioned before about not smoking anymore Alls I could think of was it would kill me to grow like you do and not be able to enjoy. Yes the vaping is great Im glad your able. That was or is one of my goals i smoked some blue berry cupcake that you thought you actually were eating it. Thats what Im looking for fruity flavor. Something different. Your flowers look like they are just dripping essence brother proud to call you brother my friend.


Wow I love how this :green_heart: plant :green_heart: brings us together. I’ve made some really good friends over this plant and now I can say that I have found more. Y’all stories and compassion for family/friends is unheard-of in the outside world. I agree with @Bunger64 , I’m proud to call y’all my family of Gro Bro and Gro Sis. My dad drink himself to death literally so alcohol is no joke. I would rather smoke 12 joints any day of the week than drink 12 beers cause I can remember what I done and who I was after the joints.


Glad you found something you like flavor wise and also glad you found a new way to consume and reap these benefits brother just need to find some keepers to start that stable up now hope you and the fam has had a awesome weekend the wife and i are finishing up down is MO at another dog show


Pretty awesome to have the community here. I appreciate you all.

Hope you all are having a good day. :call_me_hand:t3:


Oh Yey! :clap::clap::clap: this makes me so happy to hear! I know you were starting to get frustrated not finding “that strain” yet. I guess it was a good thing I gave you that extra blueberry plant instead of killing it. Now you have a whole bunch of it!

Thank you @MattyBear I appreciate it!


Yeah absolutely. You are awesome. :call_me_hand:t3:

Pressed some Midnight Snack Kief for a nice little slab.


:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: oh boy that looks delicious. Nom nom nom nom nom enjoy big guy!!!


looks like some great dabs will come from that.
how much bud did it take to make that much


Thanks @DoneDeal and @Hershy420

I pressed maybe 3 grams of kief. With coffee filters, Betsy clamp, and a hair straightener. :sweat_smile: 3 separate presses around 200-225° still haven’t pulled the trigger on a legit press. But I have the future grow to figure out before buying toys.