Let talk about mold and bud rot

So as those that know me know I lost a few plants to bud rot this year and I thought it would be a good topic to start considering how many outdoor growers mostly but grower in general have had a ruff year with this issue specifically
Was hoping we can get some prevention techniques and how to proceed advice for some of the fine folks on this forum
I my self have never lost so much as I did this year to rot
All good live and adapt
Here what I cut out of my ssh plant lost over half the plant and all the biggest buds

Here what she looked like before the rot

And this is what I cut out

What I saved is mostly small and won’t amount to much will use it for rosin making 2017 outdoor season has closed for me in the NE
Took my GG plant down after finding a small amount of rot decided not to loose more to this beast hahahaha

@Hogmaster @garrigan62 @Donaldj @Majiktoker
@Willd @Screwauger @WillyJ @Nug-bug @kabongster @BIGE
Hope this thread will help myself and others in the future
happy growing all :v:CB :cowboy_hat_face:


Wow @Countryboyjvd1971 I knew you got hit but damn dude! Sorry you lost all that med.
Definitely will be following along seeing as how I’m gonna have a couple outside next year.

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I’m following. Outdoor next spring and finished early harvest today from fear of rot this year. Thanks for starting this discussion :blush:


Wow so sorry! This year has been awful for growers with temps & humidity!


Did you loose due to humidity or rain? I have a cheap fold out tent that I use when heavy rain is coming, I’m in the PNW


Man so sorry for the loss!! Yes I’ve got outdoor plants and any help to stop :raised_hand: that happening to mine would be appreciated


Great post CB @Countryboyjvd1971. I don’t grow outside but info is power…I’ll be watching for others to comment p


The plant that could have been…she was big and beautiful…such a shame…sorry @Countryboyjvd1971 but you’ll come back bigger and better next season…my outside plants have taken a beaten I’m still chasing it…stiil got 10 plants out there yet so close but with the rot problem yet so far…I took 1 bagseed and 1 ptw… the ptw I took inside stripped her of her fan leaves was about to chop and was thinking I just had watered her and then checked trichomes and realized she’s done…got busy and didn’t get back to her and it rains for a couple days so she’s full of water so I didn’t chop sat her in front of a fan and she’s still there she’s dry now so she’ll be getting it as soon as I’m finished mowing the lawn hopefully for the last time this year lol…lost at least a third of that plant…I figure I got so many if I lose half the crop and half finishes properly it will be better than having a crap load of early meds…I dont want racey I want strong meds that will help me sleep… I’ve been spraying a mixture of vinegar and water on the plants which hasn’t stopped it but has slowed it…just when I think I think I got it it rains again and I find a spot here and there…I first used the vinegar to control pm on a plant and noticed it was helping with the rot …you really got to look in the morning and again in the afternoon and really look good a little spot in the morning will ruin your bud by afternoon…


Yeah, good subject in light of all of the trouble on both coasts!

I was reading about preventative spraying of baking soda and water, one tablespoon/gallon. The alkaline bicarbonate is the wrong environment for mold to form.

Obviously lots of air flow. Reduce the humidity. Open up the plant.

What else?

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a link to a photo that can be clicked on and enlarged, the grey in the center of the pic, the stalks then the trichs are affected, get dried up…my mold was outside, without a tent…do you think the tent was an issue in the humidity, did it help keep the morning dew off the plants or seem to make it worse?

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So it looks like it’s time to think about Solutions my fellow cultivators… :wink:
I know that most of you are scared of using neem oil …but I’ve actually never had a problem with my weed tasting like neem oil and i’ve sprayed my plants down with neem oil 2 days before harvest knowing that they would be drying in a area with alot of moister… also when I was a grower in Cali in the Emerald Triangle with massive plants the way we took care of that situation was by spraying the plants down with canola oil , its alot cheaper and with a few drops of dish soap to help penetrate and stick to the plants … the canola oil ads no taste or smell to your plants and will help drastically in any kind of rot situation or mold or fungus and also helps deter insects … the other thing that can be done is make sure that your plants always get the morning sun from beginning of the Sun up till about 1 or 2 in the afternoon that way the morning dew will burn off of your plants and not allow moisture to creep into them … another thing that will help is don’t go out and shake your plants after it has rained …what you actually do by doing that is you make it possible for the moisture to seep down into the plant …I know it sounds strange but if you don’t mess with the plant at all you’re less likely to get moisture deep into the plant… another thing that can be done is a simple little solar panel with some sort of a fan if electricity is not accessible to that area… any other things that I can think of I will throw out there later …good luck to all of you and good vibes… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:


I had bud rot in my last inside grow because of too many fan leaves and not enough for some buds to air properly, I had what I thought was one bud but it was 2 packed together and they got rot. This grow, I trimmed them nicely each week until I could see each and every flower and to get max air and light. Outside plants would require a crap load of trimming but it may pay off in the long run.


I had to deal with bud rot last spring here and I remember cutting wooden dowels and pushing them in between bud sites on the colas to open them up. What a pita!


@Myfriendis410… I hear that, inside is one thing but outside grows, some of those plants are monsters!.. It would be so much time…

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Check this out on Bud Rot and anyone else who may be ineresed Feel free to copy and paste too your files for the future.


How to grow Marijuana - By Robert Bergman -

Bud Rot On Marijuana Plants
Bud Rot On Marijuana Plants
Robert Bergman

Bud rot (also known as gray mold or botrytis) is one of the most devastating fungal diseases to hit marijuana crops. It thrives in cool temperate climates where a high level of humidity is present.

It is so harmful to your plants that it could destroy your whole garden of marijuana plants in less than one week! It will kill anything in its path, including seeds that are sitting in the soil and very young plants that have only just popped up.

It’s a marijuana grower’s absolute worst nightmare. You, therefore, need to do everything in your power to keep gray mold from infesting your precious plants.
What is bud rot

What is bud rot cannabis

Gray mold (bud rot) is a fungal disease that lives best in cool, humid, temperate climates. It is not location-specific and it attacks marijuana plants in all stages of life.

Gray mold comes from a fungus called Botrytis cinerea. This fungus can rot your buds from the inside out – thus gray mold’s nickname, “bud rot.” Botrytis can ruin other plants besides marijuana. Wine grapes, strawberries, and peonies also can be devastated from a gray mold infestation.

Download my free marijuana grow guide at this link for more growing tips

Gray mold can reach your plants any time through its dusty gray spores that are often transported through blowing in the wind as well as water. Plants need to have actual contact with gray mold spores in order to get bud rot – otherwise it is impossible. These spores are extremely easy to transport, unfortunately.

Once they have reached your site, they get inside your actual plants by entering through a “wound” or tear in the external plant tissue. If you train your plants, their stems might have cracks that mold could travel through. Any damage caused by caterpillars, snails, worms, mildew, or other pests can also create a “tunnel” of sorts for gray mold to get inside your plant.

Signs of bud rot

Signs bud rot cannabis

Gray mold bores into the youngest stems right where the soil sits and then turns these stems brown, making them soft and rotting. The stems then lose rigidity and fall over, or “damp off.” Gray mold also likes to attack the stems of older, more mature plants.

It first forms a brownish gray mycelium mass, which looks like a foundation of sorts. This then starts being covered by fungal spores. This sort of smothers the plant, making it turn yellow because it doesn’t have enough chlorophyll to remain its healthy green color.

If the gray mold circles all the way around the stem, it will weaken it until it has lots of cankers and is actually soft. There will be breakage where the cankers are, and any growth above this hub of disease on the stem will start wilting.

That is only part one of gray mold’s devastating behavior. After it’s attacked the stem, it will next move on to your female marijuana plants’ moist buds. The leaves will start turning brown and will wilt, and then the pistils will follow suit. The buds will eventually be totally covered in the gray mycelium and will turn into a grayish brown slime – making them totally useless when you harvest your plants.

Download my free marijuana grow guide at this link for more growing tips

Gray mold materializes in different ways. It can affect only the biggest and fattest buds of your plant, or (especially if conditions are particularly wet) it could form visible spots all over the plant. The cola might also be the only part of the plant that starts to turn darker and discolored, and maybe is even drying up.

The outside of the buds will look like it is drying in parts. The rest of the plant, on the other hand, may still appear to be thriving. Gray mold will always target the wettest spots on your plants first. If your plants have large colas, they have a large area inside that receives no air exposure and is therefore very moist. This means that this attacker is very likely to target these big colas first.

People generally start to notice a gray mold infestation once they notice deadened spots on their marijuana plant. It might also show up as white mold on the bud’s exterior at the beginning. If you catch it at this stage, you should take immediate action.

If it is indeed gray mold, you will be able to see that the inside of the bud is a dark gray or brown and appears to be dusty. Unfortunately, since gray mold moves so rapidly, it is unlikely that you will catch it when it is white and fluffy in its early stage.

You are most likely to find yourself with a gray mold problem if your plants are growing in a low-light environment. It is called gray mold because, although it starts out a powdery white color, it turns into brown or smoky gray color. Once you see these and other colors, you will know that the damage to your plant is already extensive.

Not sure if your marijuana plants suffer from a bud rot infection? Check the article Marijuana diseases for a list with pictures of all possible marijuana diseases

How to get rid of bud rot

Get rid of but rot botrytis and grey mold weed

Now you probably understand the importance of avoiding gray mold from growing on your marijuana plants at all costs. If you are an indoor grower, there are certain steps you can take to decrease the chances of it ever becoming a problem. First and foremost, your plants need a warm, dry, breezy environment to live in.

For instance, you should always keep the grow room temperature higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and don’t make the room so humid that your plants are visibly wet. The humidity should be kept below 50% at all times. These elements cannot be controlled in outdoor environments, of course.

Keeping your plants’ leaf density down is also a good way to increase air exposure and, therefore, decrease the likelihood of gray mold developing on your plant. Just be sure you don’t take away too many leaves because you still need as many as possible to keep pumping light energy into your plant for a successful flowering phase and harvest. Prioritize which leaves you remove by targeting ones that are covering other leaves or sites where buds grow.

If you are an outdoor marijuana grower, hopefully, you started your growing season off right by choosing a strain of marijuana that is well suited to your specific climate. If you live in a rainy and cool area, for instance, you should probably choose a strain that is specifically designed for cool, rainy climates. One such strain would be one that automatically enters the flowering phase, meaning its life is shorter than an average marijuana plant.

You can take some extra steps that you might not have thought about as well, such as changing your clothes before stepping into your grow room. This will limit the spores and pests that can be carried in via your clothes. If you have a house pet, keep it away! They can easily transport fungi and other living things you won’t want near your plants. You should also sanitize pruning shears every time you plan on using them so as not to transport any fungi or bacteria from the blades to the plants. Most of these precautions will work the same for outdoor grow areas as well.

If you water your marijuana plants during the day rather than at night, your plants will have an adequate amount of time to dry off before darkness falls again. This same principle can be applied to indoor gardens – just make sure you water your plants early enough so they can dry before you turn off the lights. Gray Mold loves moisture and darkness, so at least take away one of those elements to lower the chances of it infecting your plants.

One of the most important ways of keeping it from finding its way to your plants is to keep proper ventilation within your grow room. The moving air should go through every bit of every plant. Don’t be afraid of working hard during this tricky planning process.

You can also be more active in the prevention of gray mold. Try spraying bacillus subtilis or an oil spray with neem oil or sesame oil onto your plants to prevent it or form a barrier that doesn’t let mold germinate. You can also look into using Potassium Bicarbonate (KHCO3) to keep from molds and fungi from starting to grow. This is an organic product that comes from humans, animals, and plants – it is a sort of pre-existing self-defense system.

If gray mold has found its way to your plants despite taking all these precautions, all is not lost – at least not yet. If you spot a plant that is clearly diseased or dead from gray mold, remove it completely and destroy it. Do this to every plant you see that has the infestation. Obviously don’t add the destroyed plants to your compost pile, since it would cause even more problems. Simply put the whole plant into a sealable plastic bag and throw it away tightly sealed.

If you are absolutely dedicated to keeping your plants where they are instead of discarding them immediately, you can instead prune the affected leaves and buds. Once you have used pruners to remove the affected parts, clean them thoroughly with rubbing alcohol or peroxide.

Another method commonly used is the application of a bordeaux mixture made up of copper sulfate and slaked line. This is what most vineyard owners use to keep gray mold under control. Copper soap or copper spray is another option that can actually be used all the way until your plant’s day of harvest. This works best when it is sprayed onto your plants each week for ten days. Finally, you can either use sulfur burners or spray your plants with sulfur in order to make the treatment airborne. You can find these at a garden center or nursery.

In general, your best way of preventing it from getting out of hand is by always being aware and keeping a close eye of your plants. Inspect them regularly for signs of gray mold or any other potentially harmful conditions. Take note of any changes, especially when your plant is in the later stages of its flowering phase.

Keep an eye the weather, as well. It could tell you a lot about when to be the most suspicious of gray mold, such as just after cooler temperatures and rainy days. When you do know that rain is coming, you can simply cover all of your plants with a tarp to block the worst of it. Make sure you don’t actually put the tarp on top of the plants because it would risk damaging your buds. Instead, hang it above your plants for maximum protection. Make sure the tarp is held up by the middle rather than the sides so as not to allow the water to collect in the center. An alternative would be to simply go to your plants after a rain and shake them. This will keep water droplets from becoming a comfortable place for the mold to breed.

By Robert Bergman
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Damn dude sorry about your loss.

@garrigan62 posted a good read


Another smoking granny… in a hurry to harvest ( I was ready ) to cut down the branches so they would fit in a zip loc bag… now their too small to hang up, so how do i dry them. I keep the bags partially unzipped and shaken around to avoid mold from the moisture …

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Some strains have a much higher resistance to molds it is genetic factor that growing in a damp climate outdoors may be worth future reference indicas tend to do quite well in moist environment Ruderalis in cold


@Daddy I was in side a green house and humidity is my enemy :rage::rage::rage: hahaha
Good idea on rain shelter tho
That’s what im was trying to get started ways to prevent and deal with
Thanks for adding to the discussion
I had fans going inside to keep Air moving but more would rot every day
I also think the scrog technique contributed to the cause of the rot in my case it started or at least appears to have started where the canopy was the densest each day I would find more till the finial day when I found it everywhere :-1:
@kabongster I had a fan going once they started to flower and had good air flow in the green up till the end in fact I had 3 fans in the green house at the end
I believe it was the cool humid nights
Although the green house did keep the dew and rain off the plants the humidity was just to high to long
Is my guess
@peachfuzz @Myfriendis410 thanks for sharing also
It’s all good not stressing it @Majiktoker
@garrigan62 a wealth of info as usual
I’m appreciate all comments and suggestions
Hoping this thread will help other in the future
Thanks again all :v:CB :cowboy_hat_face:


Be careful with the baking soda solution. I use it and it works. However, I used it on some seeds while germinating and had trouble. Couldn’t figure out why the seeds would crack just fine and die. Finally I went back to plain water and had no more trouble. So, for me, it’s a once in a while treatment.

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