Outdoor issues, (mainly mold)

Hey guys, I put this clone from my winter grow last year in the ground in June 2024. It has done extremely well, especially seeing as I haven’t touched it since it hit the ground. I was not and am not expecting to get a harvest (it was more of an experiment) but If something is salvageable I would like to :grin:.

Looks like I have some bud rot going, guessing I can just pluck that off. See some powdery mildew and other bug issues (even some bird crap in places), but I am not an outdoor grower, this went better than expected.

I’m looking for advice from the outdoors experts to see if this is salvageable, what to use to treat it and what other issues your outdoors trained eyes may see that I don’t. Thanks in advance!!!

Oh and before anyone asks if I do harvest some of this a bud wash will be taking place.

Check out this cool guy!!!

@Caligurl @Bentstick


The dried up leaves look normal if they are coming out of a bud pull on it if it Comes out easy look where pulled out all around will be brown thats bud rot, looks like you may have some powdery mildew in first 2 pics!

As far as the hopper, I get them and when I spray they come back usally never pay no mind to them unless I see lots of them! Just my game!


More pics

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Thanks man, do you use anything to treat powdery mildew?

I’m so used to indoors where you can control every aspect, it has been so humid this year, like abnormally so…which is why I think I’m seeing mold issues. Other than and some bugs she looks happy as could be.


Peroxide and water 3 parts water I part peroxide has help out but stay on top of it! And once you harvest and dry them before you cure check centers of bigger buds for interior brown spots I lost 8 qt jars that I did not catch before the cure from last yr!!!


That’s horrible :flushed::flushed:

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Yea but have plenty to smoke, and lesson learned, and this is going to be banner yr 4 indoors drying/curing ATM, 1 auto in jars and 4 more out door plants kickin azzz!


Hell yeah dude! :tada::sunglasses::sunglasses:

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The brown is definitely bud rot. I also see some WPM (perhaps).

All you can do is remove the affected bud and take at least an inch or two of good bud above and below. I would spray that whole bud first with H2O2 and water. That will help mitigate the spreading of the spores.

First pic has a leaf hopper on it.
Second (and 3rd) has a fuzzy caterpillar (99% likely that is your culprit)

You have a lot of grasshopper damage as well. Most insects can carry the grey mold (Botrytis) from one plant to the next.

Sorry, but don’t let your guard down. Insect every day and remove any you see (plus good material surrounding it). Hopefully you can mitigate it.

Whatever you decide to spray on them, mix it up so the mold doesn’t become resistant. Spray with one thing, then the next spray with a different thing.


Thanks for the heads up! Any recommendations on what to use?

Also, like I said, wasn’t expecting to harvest anything…to be honest I wasn’t expecting her to do THIS well. So even if I just pull a few grams of I’ll be happier than pigs in s#!t :joy:. Thanks for the advice! I have no idea what I’m looking at when it comes to outdoors and you’re kind of our resident outdoors expert :joy:.


Yep you have bud rot did not look at second set of pics, damn catapillars is your culprit for sure we don’t get many pillars here most of my rot comes from mositure and not drying out fast enough, this yr maybe different being as we are infested by all types of critters more than normal!

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So you what looks like to be a caterpillar circled in red… all the other circles are poop from said caterpillar. Some could be from grasshoppers too.

There are many products out there, but I really wouldn’t recommend any of them on the buds… that’s just me. I wouldn’t want to smoke a fungicide. H2O2 works ok on WPM but not on Botrytis… that crap is deep inside your buds.

Cut the parts out. Make sure to sterilize your scissors after every single cut with Isopropyl Alcohol. Place the removed section in a plastic bag and be careful not to touch any other parts of the plant with your hands that touched the bud rot. That’s hard to do, I know… get a huge bottle of Iso.

If it continues, you may need to harvest early and save what you can but you’re not close enough to harvest yet. You can’t control the weather (heat, rain, humidity, etc) so just keep cutting, sterilizing, bagging the rotted buds until it gets to be too much or until it gets better.



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The humidity has been insane this year, might as well move to FL (no thanks lol, I hate the heat)


These started flowering, what I feel was, super early. They were showing pistils early August but that was right around when we went under 15 hours of daylight (this is a photo)


Hey man Im with you on all the critters and humidity this eason :sob: Im around the dame flowering stage as you rn and I use . dr zymes eliminator once a week and spray it on EVERYTHING including buds and its keeping things at bay and picking pff insects i see on my plants( aphids here and there pillars and stink bugs

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There are plenty of organic plant based fungicides that you can spray up until harvest. First off remove all the brown stuff and anything around it. Dont touch anywhere else on the plant or any other plants without washing your hands. Then spray with peroxcide and water 3 parts water 1 part peroxide. “Warning” it will turn the white hairs brown dont freek out it wont hurt the buds. After that I’d spray with purecrop1 or something similar on a once every few days maintenance program.


I would like to second the PureCrop1 option :owl:


Cut the rot off, she’s looking real good. Can’t believe the difference in size from indoor to outdoors. Zero effort and she’s beaten any indoor I have done size wise. Won’t be shying from indoor though lol.


Gorilla glue outdoor grow southern Ontario is this mildew or just a lot of good stuff