This is my first grow. Growing ilgm sour diesel autos. She is in the middle of week 2 at the moment. Started to notice the middle leaves start to wilt a little. Wanted to see if anyone had any helpful info on this. Thanks
I don’t see anything to worry about, your plant looks good to me. I do see some pale spots, that could be something to keep an eye on or just genetics.
Ok thank you. I was wondering about the pale spots as well. I’m using ffof so I figured it could just be some nute burns or something but I’m not too sure. I have had a pest problem these past few days. Looks like some gnats or something. I did purchase stick pads to take care of that. Idk if the pest problem could be the reason for the pale spots
That might be the case…use a jeweler’s loop to examine the bottom side of the leaves. Pay particular attention to the area near to the center stem as the little critters like to hide in there.
@Covertgrower and @Myfriendis410 are very good at identifying and dealing with pest issues.
What soil are you in and have you been feeding her?
Thank you guys for the helpful info. I’m using fox farms ocean forest. I only water her with pH water at 6.5 and I did recently add calmag to her water also about a week ago
I thought she looked a little overfed with the dark leaves and the wavy leaves of the newest growth.
FFOF is a bit hot for seedlings, but she seems to be doing okay. I don’t know that I would change anything at this point.
Since in FFOF, please keep in mind that you won’t need to feed the plant for ~6 weeks. OF has plenty of nutrients for the first 6(ish) weeks.
There is a couple growers from different regions one being me that got some bad batches of FFOF. Loaded with fungus gnats. Reccomended a good neem oil dish soap mixture to spray plants when lights out. Also I misted the top soil with peroxide water solution a few times seemed to get rid of mine. I’ve since had no pests in my tent
There were some bad bags of Happy Frog circulating early last year as well. I didn’t have a problems, but there were several users here that had problems that appeared to be soil that was too hot.
Fox Farm still generally makes very good products. I’m not going to ding them too hard for something that appeared isolated.
I remember reading that. I personally dont use happy frog. My experience from the OF did not turn me away from Foxfarm products. I chalked it up as being a bad batch sh1t happens right? I still use Foxfarm ocean forest on every grow
Thank you all so much. It can be so frustrating at times. I will keep you all posted on how she’s doing in the future