Okay. So I have two Banana Sundae Fem seeds going, and they’re beyond sad right now. I’m doing a DWC and just really am lost for what to do. I just changed my res, because they weren’t taking in any nutrients while in the previous one (after about 4-5 days of continuous leeching) That was only after one feed. and Only drinking a little bit of water a day. I tried adding a bit of cal mag as I figured it was a deficiency, and honestly, it seemed to get worse. I Cleaned, sanitized and put them back into the Rez, PHd at 5.8 with no nutrients added.
Previous feed was : EC / 900 PH
Is this nutrient lockout? Nute burn? Is it starving for nutrients? Or is it doomed? I tried letting it just feed on some regular PHd water for a day and it seemed to get even worse but without any flux in the EC and a huge climb in PH ( 5.8 to around 6.6 in 6 hours).
The leaves on the bottom of the main stem are basically completely browned and non brittle, and light spots throughout the big one and brown throughout the small.
600 w LED about a foot 1/2 away
13 gal res
EC currently is 360
PH dialed back to 5.8
day temp 77
night temp 72
Using fox farm nutrients (big bloom, grow big, tiger bloom)
Used sledgehammer to clean reservoir
used fox farm cal mag as added nutrient.
I knew I was stepping into a challenge, but I’m truly looking for some sort of helping hand or guidance.
Thank you…
Might try increasing humidity. They have very few roots now and take water in through humidity. Fine mist them and a clear plastic solo cup over them with PH balanced water (last part is critical). Got to keep them moist until the roots grow…
I don’t like the FF Trio for hydro. It’s a disappointment cuz I really wanted to like them. The labels are fun. The actual nute formulas are next to useless on their own, they’re either way too little or way too much. But that said, I’m not ready to point fingers at your nutes just because I have a personal vendetta against them.
What’s the water temp in the res (lights on and lights off)?
Air stones? If so, how many?
How far below pot is the water level?
For what it’s worth the leaves look okay - you may just be overly critical because it’s your plant.
Are your roots reaching the water already? If so, I’d let the water level drop another 1” or so naturally and when you top off your res, just leave it around 1 1/2 to 2 inches below the bottom of the pot. This will allow some air roots to form and aid in oxygen absorption.
I attached a picture of it Below, and a few better pictures of the sad parts of the plants , where it’s real bad.
And yes, I have a decent amount on the bigger one, and 2/3 good ones on the smaller. The smaller ones main is probably a good 5 inches , the bigger is kinda a root ball lol.
And that’s okay on the likes, I’m just grateful for the responses !
I see. Okay so first off the “600watt” appears to refer to the “par value” which my understanding is that’s a weird marketing gimmick that translates into the light is not good. @NeoGroR can tell you all about the woes of Blurple lighting. @dbrn32 can help us out with lighting recommendations and more over, they’ll both be able to help us figure out whether the light is exacerbating your problem.
As far as the leaves, yeah they sure do look sad way down there. I’d try to top with as much hydroton as you can squeeze in around the plant before you get to the lowest leaves. I agree about the cal/mag issue. Just gotta give it time to see if they uptake the increased dose.
Yes they sure are. I’m not sure how I haven’t murdered that plant yet. I’ve got 3 DWC’s in that tent with no connection to my chiller - in fact there’s no real connection between the containers, the one in the photo is entirely illusory. It keeps my res from being overfull but serves no recirculatory function.
I have two 3 inch air stones in a 12-13 gal res. I change it water , nutes then PH.
And yes I check it every night as I’m already nervous about my first dwc lol
Im gonna go a VERY short distance out on a limb here and way that is a 600w (equivalent) LED so it actually uses less wattage if you just wanna see this threw… you can do it with that but be warned the max yield potential of that light will likely be in the tens of grams (Couple Quarters) but CAN be tasty bud if you take good care if it
I mean if I can keep it alive, I’d like to see it through no matter what! It’s all learning for the next time and what I need to do better or different