Kimcj’s First Grow

Hey all

I have a bag seed i believe is a photo. Call it Monroe (companion plant Marilyn)

She is 35 days today.

I’m a new grower (to weed not plants)

I had her in my kitchen in seedling mix in a 4" pot under T12s to start. Only received bottled water.

On July 30th (day 21) I transplanted into a 3 gallon bag with Happy Frog, fed 1/4 strength Fox Farm Grow Big (6-4-4) and 1/4 strength Big Bloom (bat guano & worm casings).

After transplant she went into the tent for the first time. Vivosun smart settings set to vegetative stage.

Her side of the tent has a Mars Hydro 100W.

Was a little droopy for the first few days after transplant (expected) but 5 days (Aug 4) after transplant she had a few yellow spots on her leaves.

On Aug 5 the app I’m using read 469 PPFD so i raised her up on a milk crate and PPFD is 630.

Asked a few members and they suggested not to give Grow Big (6-4-4) as it may be nute burn. So she’s had no Grow Big since July 30th and she has had 2 watering with Big Bloom only (bat/worm). The water is tap adjusted to 6.2.

The leaves are getting worse.

Yesterday i got the dry vac out and gave her a good flush.
PH 6.3
TDS 810

On a side note… the companion plant Marilyn has gotten the exact same care, is doing great runoff was PH 6.02, TDS 1229.

The only difference is Monroe is under the Mars Hydro and Marilyn under the Vivosun 200W at 80%. PPFD 664… I slid Monroe to the middle of the 4x2 tent.

The yellowing and browning started at the bottom leaves of the plant and are working it’s way up the plant.

Starts as a yellow tip of the leaf and works its way down the edges.

More photos of the whole plant and with the other plant doing good

Yo gromie, don’t forget to tag the experienced growers in your post. Much quicker responses, great advice, and folks liked to get tagged


You need alot of run off with FF nutes. Salt build up and ph problems are very common. Ive been through it, alot of us im sure. But id suggest the sledgehammer flush offered by them as well. I switched nutes after one grow with FF, other people like it but you need to be running alot of water through your soil.


I would also suggest buying some risers for the fabric pot to sit on. You dont want it sitting in water that you cant extract from your drip trays


Exactly what he said :point_up:

You need to run at least a gallon and a half through your plants every time


I have a fair amount of perlite in my soil, so I water every other day until I see runoff.


A very easy way to catch runoff


Thank you. Between the 2 of them i filled my 2.5 gallon wet vac almost twice.

I had hubby cut me 2" pvc pipe to use as risers, just haven’t used because the wet vac tends to get it all. I then check about an hour later.

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I just did this with my porch girl.


I would tag but still new so i honestly don’t know who the experienced are yet :laughing:

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@kaptain3d @DoneDeal @MeEasy @Low

A few of those that know their stuff

Caution: Some of the above may turn you into a sadist!


That looks good. I know i won’t be able to lift as they grow. Too disabled for that.
I used a turkey baster and collected some runoff into a cup for testing. The other runoff i suck up with a wet vac.


Like @Solidgold91 said it’s more important to run a lot of water through FF nutrients and definitely let the bottom semi dry before setting it back on the catch plate you don’t want water in the catch plate


Are we thinking nute burn from the one time i mistakenly gave 1/4 strength when transplanting?

It didn’t occur to me the schedule was based on the weeks IN the soil not the age of the plant if transplanted :woman_facepalming:

But that was 14 days ago would it still be getting worse?

Someone mentioned potassium deficiency?

Still moving up the top with flushes

I personally believe that you overdid it with the nutrients at the time as you didn’t even know what your current soil precharge PPM was.

So yes this is definitely a problem. And yes it could gradually get worse as it sits in the soil. Just briefly reading through I see that you’ve flushed it a couple of times that’s a good thing.

I’ve seen no mention of the type of water that you’re using? Also I’ve seen no mentioned of calcium magnesium in your dietary feed plan. If you don’t have any you should get some quickly.

I believe I saw some runoff numbers like
810ppm & 1200ppm from one of your recent posts. Your runoff numbers are getting to the feed point.

If you haven’t used any calcium magnesium I would surely do that on the next time you water. I would go in with at least 175ppm per gal of calcium magnesium next time you water


Also define to me what you’re considering a flush. How much water are you flushing with?

Is it tap water?

What’s the PPM of your tap water?


@OGIncognito @Growdoc @Caligurl i believe @Low may already be tagged. Many others here bro. Best to you and may your grow yield maximum


Another thing, that I struggle with, don’t over think it and do drastic measures.


Here are pictures of the 2 plants.
The one on the left (Marilyn) is doing good and yes her ppm was in the 1200s.

The one on the right is Monroe and the one with the leaf problems and the ppm 810.

I use tap water adjusted to 6.2.

No i haven’t added cal/mag, too nervous to add anything with the leaves like this.

I don’t know what strains they are.

I just purchased sledgehammer it will be here in 2 days.