Julias grow journal

Flowering of second grow. I am very proud. Had environment issues that i have corrected. Now humidity is under control. Should be ready in 2 weeks. Strawberry Cake. Final flush now just a matter of time. Check out these buds!


Nice and frosty :heart_eyes::drooling_face::heart_eyes:

How does she smell?


The girls smell amazing gonna be a qualoty smoke!

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Strawberry cake sounds as good as they look! Yum :yum:

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Is that from Heavyweight? If so, I have grown that, and in my very humble opinion, it is the best tasting strain of marijuana I have ever smoked.


Yes is it! I also have diesel drift for my next grow. Its fruit punch NYC Diesel hybrid

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And that alone is reason for me to seed hunt it down


I got mine from Seedsman. I also buy seeds here as well

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Im more of an Attitude guy… but im hunting :joy:


If they only made it in auto…

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Haha ur still auto addictd betty?


To me, it tasted like rich, decadent, sweet and creamy strawberry cheesecake. Oh, and the high hits fast and hard. It’s truly one of my favorites.

I focus mostly on autoflowers, now, but if I ever buy photoperiod seeds, it will definitely be the one I buy.

I like autos because it’s one less thing to worry about.


You could try one of their autos they have 4 or 5 i believe that im sure will live up to their photo genetics. Also these plants were easy to grow if you do photos in the future i highly recommend these and the yields will be worth the wait

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I like the easy payment system option. I have a hard time with bank transfers and i dont crypto currencies. I also like the free seeds i get

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I’ve thoroughly checked their catalogue many times. Fruit Punch photo/auto and Strawberry Cake photo are really all that piqued my interest. Thanks for the recommendation, though!

I am currently focusing on sativas (blues in particular), various cheeses, and cbd rich plants. My seed line-up is already chosen for my next 3 grows. I currently go through sensible, but used to use seedsman.


I just started lookimg into sensible actually.

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Next order will be over 400. I fully trust them.

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Crypto is the way to go for me. We have a gas station that sells bitcoin. No ID needed. I buy it with cash, wash it thru a few nameless bitcoin wallets then buy online n send to a dead address.

Bit of extra work but worth the freebies they give. The Black DOG was one. And i plan on cloning her to death.

Betty i just got 5 Harliqueen. They are regulars tho. U know i loves my pollen. Talk about CBD rich? Harliquin x Space Queen by subcool. #CertifiedDank


Wow! That’s freaking convenient!

Good to know I did think about an order in the future from i saw different strains i thought were pretty cool