Jeremyg’s Grow Journal

how much water do you think I should use to flush? or just keep measuring until ppms are respectable?

I awlays have 2 gallons of purified on hand. I never use all of it and often ill just end up using one.

I start with the purified water just to speed things up. About half way through a gallon ill starting checking the ppms, I’m aiming to get as low as possible and once the number starts stagnating ill put in a about half a gallon of tap water. Then I will finish by feeding her according to her regular schedule with the usual amount of water changing nothing, then usually she’s gonna need an extra day or two to dry out.

Its a slow process and should take a while, you dont want your roots swimming, if your constantly spewing water out then back off some. Expect it to take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

At least two gallons will go through her


Hey! I hope all is going well! @'d me in your thread so thank you for that! I’m sorry for not being around too much over the past couple days, I’ve just had a lot going on. I did end up flushing and doing around a gallon and a half. I found the meter to be giving very odd runoff readings in terms of the ppm. Ill have to recalibrate and measure again next water which should be coming up in the next day or two. Ill post some pictures below of how she’s been doing over the past few days and the readings of the runoff!

First Readings After About Half a Gallon:

Readings at very end:

They’re a little wonky so im not sure if theyre accurate.

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First day after watering:

Same day after watering just in pm:

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No need to apologise my friend :wink:

Remember when I said at least 2 gallons and to give them an extra day or 2 after flush lol.

Fingers crossed on the next few days plant looks nice :sunglasses: :shamrock:


I just always feel the need to apologize lol, i misread before and realized after that I should have ran atleast 2 gallons through. Would you recommend waiting a few waters before running that much through again? or just go ahead once shes dried out some and run atleast 2 gallons through?

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I would wait a few waterings unless something urgent starts


Hey!! I hope the plants have been going well! I just wanted to post this to update how shes going! I just watered last night after about 4-5 days without.

Do you think I should be worried about these bottom leaves? Top growth looks great, and the smaller sets growing off the bottom look alright as well. Heres some pictures!

Just a few minutes ago:

These are over the past week:

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How old is the plant now dude?

What size is the por she’s in?

What was previous run off numbers? Be sure to be reading this every feed.

Definitely growing but still looks a bit overwhelmed to me.

Would I be right in saying your big fan leaves are shiny waxy looking green?


This would be the start of the 11th week now!

I currently have her in a 3 gallon pot.

I did forget to grab those runoff number last night but I may still have a sample of the water, Ill have to see.

Yeah the bigger fan leaves are a bit shiny and a darker green currently.

The nodes are there i will say that :ok_hand:

What intensity is your light at right now and how far is it from the plant? Maybe a a picture lookin in the tent from an outside view if you can?

The shiny leaves is from a nitrogen tox, there’s more going on but thats the jist. The old yellowing leaves were the ones affected previously and were bound for death. In an ideal world you would be looking at a bush ready to go into flowering weeks ago but this soil needs to be corrected and maybe a transplant too.

She’s gonna need a few things to set her straight but right now the best thing is to let her dry out fully (make sure the pot is super light when picked up, SUPER LIGHT). Then give her a good solid drenching, with about 6 litres of water and see what the run off is. Try to get a litre runoff to read, if you need more water to get that then so be it, its ok.

Growmioso, read that run off everytime and write it down and date it. Its like a ladder and we need to be sure if she’s going up or down.

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The current intensity of the light is at 70% and it’s at the max height I can have it at currently in my tent. roughly a little more than a foot and a half or so! Yeah, I was assuming the ones at the bottom were already on their way out.

I’ll make sure to wait until it is extremely light for the next water and give it 6 litres. I usually am able to get a reading around a litre so I’ll make sure to document that as well.

With the transplant, would I go up in pot size? What gal pot would you recommend I go to next then?

Thank you for helping me so much throughout this process! I’ll make sure to document every water what the runoff is with dates!

Very welcome bud fist :fist_right:

Bump your light up 10% if the temperature allows it. Drop it down slightly if possible.

Put your carbon filter on the other end as such, open up 150mm vent on the bottom of your tent (same width as your exhaust) and zip it up. Zip up all other vents tight. After a few seconds the tent should suck in slightly when the fan is on. Careful its not on too high or you could collapse everything. I only set mine to 4 in a 3x3 so yours might go to 5.

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We’ll talk about transplantin when then the time comes first thing is to see where its at in the current soil first. Definitely don’t do that yet

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Bud fist!! :fist_right:

I just have read this so I bumped up the light to 80%. I did currently have all the vents open to try to combat heat but now have recently been running a fan with my window to the room open for better air circulation, since the temps have started to drop outside it helped bring the general room temp down.

I am going to momentarily move forward with transferring the filter from inside to the outside of the ducting! That should very much help with having some extra clearance at the top!

The tent I am currently running is the VIVOSUN 4x2 ( VIVOSUN S425 4x2 Grow Tent, 48"x24"x60" High Reflective Mylar with Observation Window and Floor Tray for Hydroponics Indoor Plant for VS2000 : Patio, Lawn & Garden ) with all AC Infinity Internals from one of the smaller tent bundles that they had.

I won’t transplant unless it urgently calls for it! I definitely will get the soil under control first to see where its all at! I did see you talking about transplanting in your grow log from smaller to bigger while it was growing which is extremely interesting to me! I would love to learn more for some of my future plants!

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I hope all is well! I was wondering if I should be worried atall, I’ve been letting her dry out and noticed last night around 4-5 hours after the light had been on she was droopy and some of the leaves were curling a bit

Make your best judgement call if she needs watered. When was the last time?

Just water feed and get that runoff when you do


I watered last on the 28th of september. so its been about 5 days, id say shes pretty ready for a watering, i was just making sure she was super dry like you said. ill run 6 litres through and get runoff at about 1-2 litres.


Yea id say you’re clear to go growmie

Take your time with the first 6 litres ok and if you can throw the PPMS up as quick as possible maybe we can just flush it today if you’re up to it?